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Plugin Development
XMake supports the plugin module and we can develop ourself plugin module conveniently.
We can run command xmake -h to look over some builtin plugins of xm继续阅读 »
Download go
official & Getting Started
Go Complier:
offcial: gc
GNU GC: gccgo
Go supports 3 instruction sets
amd64 (a.k.a. x86-64); 6g,6l(Plan9 gc),6c,6a // support x84-64, naming as amd64
is to amd's contribution of inventing 64bit instruction set
386 (a.k.a. x86 or x86-32); 8g,8l,8c(Plan9 gc)继续阅读 »
xmake v2.0 has supported the plugin module and we can develop ourself plugin module conveniently.
We can run command xmake -h to look over some builtin plugins of xmake
l, lua Run the lua script.
m, macro Run the given macro.继续阅读 »
Here is a quiz on magrittr and you may check if you are really good at using it. Since the CRAN version currently does not support nested ., it won't be interesting to make a quiz on that version. All the following examples are using the latest development version on GitHub. You can do the same test with the CRAN versi继续阅读 »
最近在 mac 上用 terminal 启动 python 的时候经常会提示我,端口被占用了,像这样
0 errors found
February 25, 2016 - 18:25:21
Django version 1.6.7, using settings 'green.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Error: That port is already in use.
ps aux | grep python
(kkh)➜ green 继续阅读 »
xmake-vscode plugin is a xmake integration in Visual Studio Code.
It is deeply integrated with xmake and vscode to provide a convenient and fast cross-platform c/c++ development and building.
Completion Lists
Run and Debug
Record and Playback
Color继续阅读 »
xmake-idea plugin is a xmake integration in Intellij-IDEA.
It is deeply integrated with xmake and Intellij-IDEA to provide a convenient and fast cross-platform c/c++ development and building.
And It also support other Intellij-based platform, like Clion, Android Studio and etc.
You need install xmake first and a pro继续阅读 »