This release improve IDE/Editor plugin integration, we provide the following plugins now:
Vim Editor Plugin
xmake.vim (third-party, thanks @luzhlon)
Visual Studio Code Editor Plugin (xmake-vscode)
Sublime Text Editor Plugin (xmake-sublime)
IntelliJ-based IDE Plugin (xmake-idea)
Android Studio
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Plugin Development
XMake supports the plugin module and we can develop ourself plugin module conveniently.
We can run command xmake -h to look over some builtin plugins of xm继续阅读 »
xmake v2.0 has supported the plugin module and we can develop ourself plugin module conveniently.
We can run command xmake -h to look over some builtin plugins of xmake
l, lua Run the lua script.
m, macro Run the given macro.继续阅读 »
Xmake provide a builtin-plugin for generating VisualStudio project file (vs2002 - 2015) now.
We need enter the project directory first and run the following command if we want to generate vs2013 project.
$ xmake project -k vs2013
It will generate a directory(vs2013) in the current project and the direct继续阅读 »
New features
Add task api for running custom tasks
Add plugin expansion and provide some builtin plugins
Add export ide project plugin(.e.g makefile and will support to export other projects for vs, xcode in feature)
Add demo plugin for printing 'hello xmake'
Add make doxygen documents plugin
Add m继续阅读 »
xmake-idea plugin is a xmake integration in Intellij-IDEA.
It is deeply integrated with xmake and Intellij-IDEA to provide a convenient and fast cross-platform c/c++ development and building.
And It also support other Intellij-based platform, like Clion, Android Studio and etc.
You need install xmake first and a pro继续阅读 »
CH41 Creating a Full Plugin
往下学之前,建议先玩下Potion语言,这是个很小的语言,使用它的目的是为了辅助我们写vim script
CH42 Plugin Layout in the Dark Ages
~/.vim/colors/在这里的文件记录了vim的颜色主题,如果运行:color xxx就能看~/.vim/colors/xxx.vim的配色方案了,查看当前配色都有哪些用:hi
~/.vim/ftdetect/这继续阅读 »
How To Use the Widget Factory
To start, we'll create a progress bar that just lets us set the progress once. As we can see below, this is done by calling jQuery.widget() with two parameters: the name of the plugin to create, and an object literal containing functions to support our plugin. When our plugin gets called,继续阅读 »