Hard Links, Junction Points and Symbolic Links都是windows系统的链接机制,链接文件,目录或者盘。
Hard Link
通常,一个hard link代表另一个文件(源文件),相当于它的复制品,但又不会复制这个文件。NTFS格式的硬盘都存储所有文件的属性和内容到inode上,还存储了一个ID,文件名指向那个inode。而hard link就是让文件名指向那个inode来达到不重复文件内容却等价。所以所有文件至少有一个hard link(文件本身就算是hard link),文件的属性里还有一个计数器,来记录有多少hard link链接到它那里,假如为0,系统则删除这个文件,ino继续阅读 »
CH41 Creating a Full Plugin
往下学之前,建议先玩下Potion语言,这是个很小的语言,使用它的目的是为了辅助我们写vim script
CH42 Plugin Layout in the Dark Ages
~/.vim/colors/在这里的文件记录了vim的颜色主题,如果运行:color xxx就能看~/.vim/colors/xxx.vim的配色方案了,查看当前配色都有哪些用:hi
~/.vim/ftdetect/这继续阅读 »
I have trained my algorithm on leetcode a period of time.
Today, I will explain my solution about Minimum Height Trees.
My solution beat ~95% against others but it is hard to explain what is I do.
Please allow me to introduce the solution from easy to hard. If you only need the
last solution, jump to继续阅读 »
In recent years, non-relational data have attracted more and more attentions. Roughly speaking, all datasets that are hard to put into a rectangular table with rows and columns are non-relational datasets.继续阅读 »
(This post is rewritten to adapt to the latest release of pipeR)
Pipeline is receiving increasing attention in R community these days. It is hard to tell when it begins but more people start to use it since the easy-and-fast dplyr package imports the magic operator %>% from magrittr, the pioneer package of pipeline op继续阅读 »