2015-12-13 MoreFreeze
I have trained my algorithm on leetcode a period of time. Today, I will explain my solution about Minimum Height Trees. My solution beat ~95% against others but it is hard to explain what is I do. Please allow me to introduce the solution from easy to hard. If you only need the last solution, jump to 继续阅读 »
2015-11-20 Klaus Ma
Solution & Estimations: Current solution is to 1.) let Swarm launch tasks by Mesos 2.) for the other API, let Swarm send request to docker engine directly (red arrow) 继续阅读 »
2016-05-18 craneyuan
Question Write a function that takes an unsigned integer and returns the number of ’1' bits it has (also known as the Hamming weight). For example, the 32-bit integer ’11' has binary representation 00000000000000000000000000001011, so the function should return 3. 解说 这道题的意思是统计32位整数二进制格式下的‘1’的个数。 more Solution rig 继续阅读 »
2016-05-06 craneyuan
Question Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target. You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution. Example: Given nums = [2, 7, 11, 15], target = 9, Because nums[0] + nums[1] = 2 + 7 = 9, return [0, 1]. UPDATE (2016/2/13): The return forma 继续阅读 »
2014-02-08 Lingxian Kong
blueprint简介和生命周期 简单来说,blueprint主要阐述了一些想法,例如新功能或组件,跟踪相关开发人员完成的进度,通常用来维护新特性实现的完整记录。从第一个想法到完整实现,有序管理版本发布。OpenStack使用launchpad作为协作开发平台,每个项目都有自己页面。与Bug的区别:A bug is a description of a problem, and a blueprint is a description of a solution。 对于一个bp来讲,标题和描述是必要的,但对于复杂的流程或功能,最好准备一个wiki文档,并将链接贴在描述区。同时,最好指定该bp的milestone(即版本计划),这 继续阅读 »
2016-06-16 YongHao Hu
231. Power of Two Question Given an integer, write a function to determine if it is a power of two. Solution Approach #1 (count the number of 1) [Accepted] Algorithm Integer is a power of two means only one bit of n is '1', for example, 100 is 2^2=4 while 110 is 2^2+2^1=6. 继续阅读 »
2016-05-01 Borg
最后两周懒得做笔记了,一张张截图好费时间。已经把pdf,ipython notebook,data都上传到github,ipython notebook还转换成了markdown文件方便阅读。 Github Repo 华盛顿大学的这门公开课真的很棒,很照顾新手,把用到的数学符号都解释了,同时又不会太水。比起约翰霍普金斯的数据科学偏向理论,后者的回归模型主要讲的怎么用,而这门则是深入讲解回归模型的参数如何得来,还有各种问题以及对应的解决方案。 关键词: Close-form solution gradient descent ridge regression lasso re 继续阅读 »