This release provide user custom menu config, like make menuconfig for linux:
If you want to known more usage, please see online documents。
Source code: Github, Gitee.
New features
Add del_files() api to delete files in the files list
Add rule(), add_rules() api to implement the custom build rule and improve add_继续阅读 »
A simplest xmake.lua
-- define a target with named 'demo'
-- set the target kind, .e.g 'binary' is a console program
-- - static: a static library
-- - shared: a shared library
-- add all c source files in the directory: src
add_files("src/*.c"继续阅读 »
Named namespaces in Google Code Style
Namespaces wrap the entire source file after includes, gflags definitions/declarations and forward declarations of classes from other namespaces.继续阅读 »