Solution & Estimations:
Current solution is to 1.) let Swarm launch tasks by Mesos 2.) for the other API, let Swarm send request to docker engine directly (red arrow)继续阅读 »
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Naming conventions
The interface is named according to some of the predefined specifications, which is more convenient to understand and easy to use.
It's according to the fo继续阅读 »
很高兴,阿里开源了其内部的Java开发手册,简单点说这是一本Java开发规范,比方说以前我一直在纠结工具类的命名到底是以utils结尾还是以util结尾,那同样地,工具类的包名是以utils结尾还是以util结尾呢?在这本电子书里就给出了很好的说明。再比如定义数组的时候,我们可以这样String strs[] = new String[5];也可以这样String[] strs = new String[5];,到底哪种方式更好呢?显然是后一种,后一种明确的指定了我们所定义的变量是String[]类型。也许你会说,这些都是小问题并不影响我开发,是的,问题不大,但是规范漂亮的代码看起来难道不是更加的赏心悦目吗?把每一次阅读代码的过程看继续阅读 »