2000-02-22 ruki
content {:toc} Note: This documents is only a mirror, if you want to see newest documents please goto: http://xmake.io/#/manual Specification Naming conventions The interface is named according to some of the predefined specifications, which is more convenient to understand and easy to use. It's according to the fo 继续阅读 »
2000-02-22 ruki
content {:toc} 注:此处为镜像文档,最新在线文档请看:http://xmake.io/#/zh/manual 接口规范 命名规范 接口的命名,是有按照预定义的一些规范来命名的,这样更加方便理解和易于使用,目前命名按照如下一些规则: | 接口规则 | 描述 | | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | is_前缀的接口 | 表示 继续阅读 »
2018-06-08 YongHao Hu
聚合的基础教程请看 官方文档: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/aggregation 基本上都能看懂, 但 mongo 聚合难就难在 对于初学者, 很容易迷失方向, 不知道有什么东西可以用, 以及该如何用。 继续阅读 »
2016-07-19 ruki
xmake will automatically detect the system environment and create the most appropriate configuration to compile project when building a program Usually we only need to run: bash $ xmake And it will not re-generate configuration if the project description has not changed. But we can also modify configuration manual 继续阅读 »
2018-01-18 KasperDeng
Zabbix JMX 官方文档: https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/3.4/manual/config/items/itemtypes/jmx_monitoring 注意点 对于JMX, Zabbix server需要向Zabbix Java Gateway查询,而不是Zabbix Agent。 Java gateway 跟被监控应用的JMX management api的调用应该是畅通无阻的,网络上不应该被防火墙阻塞。如果JMX需要认证的话,是要能通过的。如果只是用在非生产环境,也可以取消认证。 ~~~java java \ -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote 继续阅读 »