Gitbook is rather a relatively new concept on the web. It provides a user-friendly framework for authors to write and produce online books with beautiful illustrations and responsive interactions. It allows authors to write in Markdown syntax, which is very easy to learn and use, so that they can focus more on the cont继续阅读 »
As we know, a Brownian motion is usually formulated as $$dx_t = \mu\,dt+\sigma\,dW_t$$ which is the continuous case of a random walk. In some cases, it is quite convenient to use this formulation to describe the characteristic of asset prices due to its highly unpredictable behavior.继续阅读 »
Twelve days after the initial commit, pipeR tutorial is released!
If you want to write R code fluently and process data elegantly, I strongly recommend that you read this tutorial which is designed to serve as a complete guide to pipeR package, including how it works with dplyr, rlist, and rvest with vivid examples.继续阅读 »
Creat second disk for k8s
In Vagrantfile, add the following customized command to create disk for k8s source code.
The vagrant/virtual box will create a disk with only 10Gi by default, which is not enough for k8s's build & test.继续阅读 »
In R, function may not be as special as it is in other programming languages; it is regarded as one of the many types and can be passed as an argument to some other function. The way we deal with other objects such list and data.frame definitely applies to function. Here is a simple example in which we define two funct继续阅读 »
1. Pythonic Thinking
1.1 know which version of python you're using
two major python version;
multiple popular runtimes for python: cpython, jython, ironpython, pypy, etc;
be sure that the command line for running python on your system is the version you want;
prefer python 3 in your next project;继续阅读 »
Giant panda is a kind of tame animal with unique black and white fur. Because of the small numbers, panda is listed as endangered species. Panda has a special meaning toward the WWF. Since the founding of the fund in 1961, panda has been its symbol. Panda, which lives in the forest of the south-west of China, is the ra继续阅读 »