2000-02-22 ruki
content {:toc} Note: This documents is only a mirror, if you want to see newest documents please goto: http://xmake.io/#/home/ xmake 继续阅读 »
2016-06-13 Jason Liao
关于 Angular2 的 TypeScript 教程有很多,但我喜欢 ES6,喜欢 Webpack。但这种开发模式的教程似乎比较少。但这篇就是!如果你也和我一样,那么这篇教程肯定适合你。这篇教程会从一个 Hello, Angular2 开始,配置好所需要的东西,再到一个简单的 Todo。Angular2 简单的语法不会过多的深入,官网的 5 MIN QUICKSTART 和 DOCS 是一个好地方 继续阅读 »
2017-10-25 ruki
xmake-sublime plugin is a xmake integration in Sublime Text. It is deeply integrated with xmake and sublime text to provide a convenient and fast cross-platform c/c++ development and building. You need install xmake first and a project with xmake.lua. Features Quickstart Colorization Completion Lists StatusBar Comm 继续阅读 »