tbox add a coroutine library with stackfull mode and provide the following features.
1. yield
2. suspend and resume
3. sleep
4. io scheduler with (epoll, poll, kqueue, select, poll ..)
5. supports stream, http and other all io modules of tbox
6. channel
7. lock
8. semaphore继续阅读 »
Twelve days after the initial commit, pipeR tutorial is released!
If you want to write R code fluently and process data elegantly, I strongly recommend that you read this tutorial which is designed to serve as a complete guide to pipeR package, including how it works with dplyr, rlist, and rvest with vivid examples.继续阅读 »
Stackless introduction
Stackfull introduction
More coroutine examples
New features
Support coroutine context switch for mips
Add __tb_thread_local__ keyword macro
Add --micro=y|n option to compiling micro library (~64K) for the embed system
Add tb_addrinfo_addr and tb_addrinfo_name interfaces
Add stackless coroutine
A继续阅读 »
Here is a quiz on magrittr and you may check if you are really good at using it. Since the CRAN version currently does not support nested ., it won't be interesting to make a quiz on that version. All the following examples are using the latest development version on GitHub. You can do the same test with the CRAN versi继续阅读 »