Code Review 是什么?
wikipedia: Code review is systematic examination (sometimes referred to as peer review) of computer source code. It is intended to find mistakes overlooked in software development, improving the overall quality of software.继续阅读 »
3 个月没更了,忙毕业的各种东西都是借口,是的,我颓了。赶在 2016 的尾巴,总结一下。
2016 is all about internship.
从上一年的暑假开始,就开始了面试的准备,主要是对一些知识点、面试题的总结,prepare-for-interview 的确在我笔试和面试的过程中给予了一些帮助。继续阅读 »
I got a good things on GitHub, and share it here. There are some classical papers about deep learning.
Survey Review
Deep learning (2015), Y. LeCun, Y. Bengio and G. Hinton [pdf] :sparkles:
Deep learning in neural networks: An overview (2015), J. Schmidhuber [pdf] :sparkles:
Representation learning: A review and new 继续阅读 »