Text Recognition
Fully Convolutional Recurrent Network for Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition paper
Deep LSTM Networks for Online Chinese Handwriting Recognition 2016 ICFHR
Convolution Multi-directional Recurrent Network for Offline Handwritten Text Recognition 2016 ICFHR
Sequence to Sequen继续阅读 »
Got from zzw922cn/awesome-speech-recognition-papers.
Automatic speech recognition paper roadmap, including HMM, DNN, RNN, CNN, Seq2Seq, Attention
Automatic Speech Recognition has been investigated for several decades, and speech recognition models are from HMM-GMM to deep neural networks today. It's ver继续阅读 »
在多年以前,笔者有坚持每天写日记的习惯,软件使用的是 Day One。不过现在懒了,Day One 记的日记就在那里躺着。目前笔者依旧在用着 Day One,偶尔记一些笔记。在 Day One 之外,笔者还同时使用着印象笔记和 Dropbox Paper,印象笔记更多是作为知识库,使用频率最高的,还是 Dropbox Paper。
直到出现了 flomo,笔者也第一时间参与了内测。这款记笔记的工具,解决问题的思路,确实挺新颖的。
可能读者好奇了,笔记产品那么多,为何设计 flomo ?作者是这样说的。
我们认为,笔记产品的核心不是在于功能强大和排版好看,更不是去模拟传统的写作环境。真正好的笔记产品,应该能继续阅读 »
I got a good things on GitHub, and share it here. There are some classical papers about deep learning.
Survey Review
Deep learning (2015), Y. LeCun, Y. Bengio and G. Hinton [pdf] :sparkles:
Deep learning in neural networks: An overview (2015), J. Schmidhuber [pdf] :sparkles:
Representation learning: A review and new 继续阅读 »
去年在美图公司实习的时候,研究了一段时间的SDM方法,写了一系列的博客,见《Supervised Descent Method and its Applications to Face Alignment》等,今年来到了杭州,进入了图片社交领域的佼佼者in实习,主要还是做人脸对齐。最近一段时间,一直在研究《Face Alignment at 3000 FPS via Regressing Local Binary Features》这篇文章,也为此搜集了很多资料,特整理在此,以供参考。
Face Alignment at 3000 FPS via Regressing Local继续阅读 »