New features
Support make command and compile directly without xmake
Add switch context interfaces into platform module
Add coroutine module (supports i386, x86_64, arm, arm64 ..)
Add simple http server demo using coroutine
Add simple spider using coroutine
Add io poller interfaces(with epoll, poll, kqueue, select)
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Stackless introduction
Stackfull introduction
More coroutine examples
New features
Support coroutine context switch for mips
Add __tb_thread_local__ keyword macro
Add --micro=y|n option to compiling micro library (~64K) for the embed system
Add tb_addrinfo_addr and tb_addrinfo_name interfaces
Add stackless coroutine
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tbox add a coroutine library with stackfull mode and provide the following features.
1. yield
2. suspend and resume
3. sleep
4. io scheduler with (epoll, poll, kqueue, select, poll ..)
5. supports stream, http and other all io modules of tbox
6. channel
7. lock
8. semaphore继续阅读 »
tbox provides a lightweight implementation of stackless coroutines
and it's interfaces are very simple too, for example:
while (1)
The switch performance of this stackless coroutines is faster than the implementation of tbox's继续阅读 »