2020-08-26 Robin Wen
文/Robin 从 ethgasstation.info 得知,有一个项目 Forsage SmartWay 常年位居 Gas 消费排行榜前列。 Forsage SmartWay 是个什么样的项目呢?先说结论,诈骗项目。在 ETH Gas Station 被标记「Scam Reported」,在其 合约 页面有如下标记:「There are reports from the Philippines SEC that this address is associated with a Ponzi. Please exercise caution when interacting with this address」。 但 继续阅读 »
2017-10-05 findneo
题目 It is said that Vigenere cipher does not achieve the perfect secrecy actually :-) Tips: 1.The encode pragram is given; 2.Do u no index of coincidence ? 3.The key is last 6 words of the plain text(with "nctf{}" when submitted, also without any interpunction) encode.cpp code.txt 什么是异或 异或(exclusive or)是二元 继续阅读 »
2015-02-04 veryyoung
今天突然想用markdown写博文,这样应该会方便不少。 开工 1.下载插件。 这里我选择了Markdown QuickTags 在官网看到 !This plugin hasn't been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress. 有点被惊呆 2.启用插件 下载完该插件之后,放入WordPress的plugins文件夹下,上传代码,然后再后台启用即 继续阅读 »
2014-08-06 Kun Ren
rlist 0.3 is released! This package now provides a wide range of functions for dealing with list objects. It can be especially useful when they are used to store non-tabular data. 继续阅读 »
2015-02-24 YongHao Hu
QNAN wiki上是这样说的: A QNaN is a NaN with the most significant fraction bit set. QNaN’s propagate freely through most arithmetic operations. These values pop out of an operation when the result is not mathematically defined. (details)[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN] 我尝试过sqrt(-1), 1/0, NAN/NAN都不行 结果: 继续阅读 »