2014-02-15 Kun Ren
Writing R code can be very easy. It depends on how much you want to achieve with your code and what features you want your code to support. 继续阅读 »
2014-06-26 Kun Ren
In recent years, non-relational data have attracted more and more attentions. Roughly speaking, all datasets that are hard to put into a rectangular table with rows and columns are non-relational datasets. 继续阅读 »
2014-04-08 Kun Ren
In data-driven statistical computing and data analysis, applying a chain of commands step by step is a common situation. However, it is neither straightforward nor flexible to write a group of deeply nested functions. It is because the function that comes later must be written first. 继续阅读 »
2014-02-07 Kun Ren
In both research and application, we need to manipulate data frames by selecting desired columns, filtering records, transforming and aggregating data. 继续阅读 »
2014-02-20 Kun Ren
People love dealing with well-structured data. It costs much less efforts than working with disorganized raw texts. In economic and financial research, we typically download data from open-access websites or authentication-required databases. These sources may provide data in multiple formats. For example, almost all 继续阅读 »
2014-03-14 Kun Ren
Oftentimes, we obtain a long or a wide table from a certain data source, and it may be the only format we can get. For example, some financial databases provide daily tick data for all stocks in a financial market. The data table may be arranged in a long format like this: 继续阅读 »
2017-09-30 YongHao Hu
R 语言用的垃圾回收算法是 分代算法, 有一个小优化就是会用 name 字段来实现 copy on write. 当 name 为0时, 没有任何人用它,可以删掉; 当 name 为1时, 正在有表达式在用它,所以复制了一份; 当 name 为2时, 证明有另一个变量指向了它,当修改时要复制一份出来. 继续阅读 »
2014-11-05 summer
在上一篇《生物信息软件安装[1]》中我们已经介绍了R语言的安装,不过我们在使用R的过程中,经常会遇到使用R的其他模块,比如需要使用ggplot2包,所以我们就需要在R安装的基础上安装ggplot2包。 安装完成R之后,进入R的控制台,按照以下命令进行操作即可: 继续阅读 »
2018-04-11 Vaniot
费马小定理(Fermat's little theorem) 费马小定理:假假如a是整数,p是质数,且a,p互质(即两者只有一个公约数1),那么a的(p-1)次方除以p的余数恒等于1。即$a^{p}\equiv a{\pmod {p}}$ more 证明: 法一: gcd(a,p)=1,将$1\cdot a,2\cdot a,....(p-1)\cdot a$共(p-1)个数,将他们分别除以p,余数分别为$r_{1},r_{2}......r_{p-1}$,则集合{$r_{1},r_{2}......r_{p-1}$}为{1,2,3...(p-1)}的重排列,即1,2,3,....,(p-1)在余数中恰好各出现一次,(对于 继续阅读 »
2015-07-26 王财勇
本文是笔者在阅读众多资料,包括网上资料、教科书的基础上,编写而成。 其基本写作框架是: 1.从数学的角度,对奇异值分解做更加准确的描述,包括定义和性质; 2.matlab的奇异值分解函数简介; more 数学上的SVD 我们阐述关于SVD的定义。 【定义】令$A\in R^{m\times n}$,则存在正交矩阵 $U\in R^{m\times m}$, $V\in R^{n\times n}$使得: $$ A=U\Sigma V$$,其中$$\Sigma = diag(\Sigma_1,O) \in R^{m\times n}$$且 $\Sigma_1=diag(\sigma_1,\sigma_2,...,\sigma_r) 继续阅读 »