我公司用的开发框架是 ruby on rails ,话说这套框架真的很不错,只要遵守约定,很多必要但是琐碎的事情对你来说都是透明的。比如说静态资源的压缩、打包、打指纹这三大必要步骤,rails 对开发者就很友好:在 development 环境下,更改前端任何一个静态文件,保存之后,文件都会被重新打指纹;开发完成之后,部署到 production 时,自动帮你压缩、打包、打指纹,再也不用管这些破事儿了。继续阅读 »
xmake-sublime plugin is a xmake integration in Sublime Text.
It is deeply integrated with xmake and sublime text to provide a convenient and fast cross-platform c/c++ development and building.
You need install xmake first and a project with xmake.lua.
Completion Lists
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Trunk:would be the main body of development, originating from the start of the project until the present.
Branch: will be a copy of code derived from a certain point in the trunk that is used for applying major changes to the code while preserving the integrity of the 继续阅读 »
Code Review 是什么?
wikipedia: Code review is systematic examination (sometimes referred to as peer review) of computer source code. It is intended to find mistakes overlooked in software development, improving the overall quality of software.继续阅读 »
TBOOX focus on cross-platform development using c language.
Welcome to join the TBOOX Open Source Community if you want to be interesting to our open source projects.
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In order to better promote TBOOX open source project development, we decided to adopt a more relaxed, more developer-friendly Apache License 2.0
The tbox and xmake projects have updated to new license.
If you want to known more, please refer to:Apache License 2.0继续阅读 »
图灵社区外文图书翻译计划《MEAN Web Development》我翻译的内容,包含[前言][第一章]
回顾1995年的春天,那时候的浏览器跟现在的浏览器差别很大。站在那时候看,万维网才诞生了4年(第一个互联网浏览器是Tim Berners-Lee编写的),距离马赛克的初始版本发布过去了两年,而IE1.0也刚刚发布不过数月。万维网开始展现出一种人气蓬勃的态势,尽管有些大公司对这个领域很感兴趣,而主要的扰乱者却是一家名为网景(Netscape)的小公司。
Netscape Navigator是由网景发行,已经流行起来的浏览器。即将发行到第二版本时,工程师和联合创始人 Marc Anderseen决定在其中嵌入一继续阅读 »