def itersubclasses(cls, _seen=None):
"""Generator over all subclasses of a given class in depth first order."""
if not isinstance(cls, type):
raise TypeError(_('itersubclasses must be called with '
'new-style classes, not %.100r') % cls)
_seen = _se继续阅读 »
TBOOX focus on cross-platform development using c language.
Welcome to join the TBOOX Open Source Community if you want to be interesting to our open source projects.
:)继续阅读 »
题目链接: http://oj.leetcode.com/problems/two-sum/
Given an array of integers, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number.
The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, where index1 must be less than index2. Please note that your return继续阅读 »
rlist 0.3 is released! This package now provides a wide range of functions for dealing with list objects. It can be especially useful when they are used to store non-tabular data.继续阅读 »
在 JavaScript 中处理异步和回调就是家常便饭,我们通常会面对这样一些问题:
1. 如何优雅滴组织我们的回调代码
2. 对异步函数错误处理的最佳实践是什么
3. 异步嵌套问题
4. 怎样使我们的代码可读性和可维护性更高
Programs are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers to execute. 程序是给人读的,只是顺带让计算机执行一下。 ——《编写可维护的JavaScript》@Donald Knuth
当然,最常见也是最简单的处理方式就是,直接将回调函数或错误处理函数作为异步函数的参数,在异步函数返回时进行相应的调用,这继续阅读 »
Resources can be reserved by frameworks in a variety of ways, including:
Static reservations
Dynamic reservations via Offer::Operations
Dynamic reservations via HTTP endpoints
Quotas (None-Goal)继续阅读 »