2016-01-01 Lim Geng
前言 在此之前看了一下gulp相关教程,这里有一个还不错:Gulp for Beginners, 推荐给大家看看。 通过本教程你会了解到: 如何安装webpack; 如何使用webpack; 如何使用loaders; 如何使用开发服务器; 安装webpack 你需要已经安装安装node.js. bash $ npm install webpack -g 这使得webpack命令可以使用 设置编译器(Compilation) 以一个空文件夹作为开始. 创建这些文件: add entry.js js document.write("It works"); add index.html html 继续阅读 »
2015-09-15 biezhi
在这篇文章中我将向你演示如何使用Java8中的foreach操作List和Map 1. Foreach操作Map 1.1 正常方式遍历Map ```java Map items = new HashMap<>(); items.put("A", 10); items.put("B", 20); items.put("C", 30); items.put("D", 40); items.put("E", 50); items.put("F", 60); for (Map.Entry entry : items.entrySet()) { System.out.println("Item : " + entry.getK 继续阅读 »
2015-07-06 Eric Wang
Version:Python 3.4.3 (v3.4.3:9b73f1c3e601, Feb 24 2015, 22:44:40) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 文件与I/O 读写文本数据 使用带有rt模式的open()函数读取文本文件 ```python with open('test.csv', mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: data = f.read() print(data) with open('test.csv', mode='rt', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in 继续阅读 »
2010-03-31 Jamling
对rcp的国际化主要是通过添加插件工程来完成。这一部分可以从网上或者书上找到不少的资料。在这里我主要阐述一下导出的RCP产品如何对使用的 eclipse内容及其它插件的国际化。 举个例子,你创建了一个jface对话框,确定按钮显示的是OK。如果你的rcp依赖于p2,那么检查更新的菜单显示的是Check for Updates。 继续阅读 »
2016-10-10 王财勇
最近要写技术文档,里面包含大量的数学公式,本来想用markdown,但是 markdown不适合提交到公司,于是想着还是用自己学过的Latex吧。 于是在网上去搜使用Latex写技术文档/技术书籍的模板,还真找到了一篇,即《用 LaTeX 排版技术书籍》。本来他提示使用tex studio编译,但我使用tex studio编译后可以运行,却不能导出pdf,总是提示: ```tex ** WARNING ** Obsolete four arguments of "endchar" will be used for Type 1 "seac" operator. ** ERROR ** This font using the "s 继续阅读 »
2014-01-24 Kun Ren
R rocks in both academia and industry nowadays. A rapidly increasing number of researchers choose R to be one of their productive tools for data analysis and data visualization. It is partially because the software is totally free and open-source but also because the community behind the stage who contributes to nearly 继续阅读 »
2014-05-31 Kun Ren
Gitbook is rather a relatively new concept on the web. It provides a user-friendly framework for authors to write and produce online books with beautiful illustrations and responsive interactions. It allows authors to write in Markdown syntax, which is very easy to learn and use, so that they can focus more on the cont 继续阅读 »
2014-08-06 Kun Ren
rlist 0.3 is released! This package now provides a wide range of functions for dealing with list objects. It can be especially useful when they are used to store non-tabular data. 继续阅读 »
2015-03-21 浩阳
content {:toc} My girlfriend is learning html and css recently. I told her to follow the video. Here, I recommend a video in Chinese that suite for fresh learners. The name of course is Getting HTML web pages dev in 8 hours ( 8小时学会HTML网页开发 ) . I watched this video at very first time. The teacher named Eighteen Swallows 继续阅读 »
2015-03-10 litaotao
1. 写在前面   最近一直在学习spark,延伸到学习IPython,发现IPython这东西还真是不一般啊,所以决定还是应该坐下了认真学习一下。下面都是我在官网上学习时的笔记了。 2. 前言   IPython provides a rich architecture for interactive computing with: 继续阅读 »