之前在别的电脑上配置过scrapy,后来换了mac一直没有写过爬虫,今天跟着官方指南走的时候发现安装失败很久,代码里显示ImportError: No module named scrapy意识到安装可能出了一些问题。
Stackoverflow上面提到这个问题可能是由于文件命名导致的,但是我的文件命名并没有这个问题,于是就寻求别的解决办法,打算重新安装scrapy包。继续阅读 »
Note: This documents is only a mirror, if you want to see newest documents please goto: http://xmake.io/#/plugins
Plugin Development
XMake supports the plugin module and we can develop ourself plugin module conveniently.
We can run command xmake -h to look over some builtin plugins of xm继续阅读 »
xmake v2.0 has supported the plugin module and we can develop ourself plugin module conveniently.
We can run command xmake -h to look over some builtin plugins of xmake
l, lua Run the lua script.
m, macro Run the given macro.继续阅读 »
This chapter develop a small language of numbers and booleans, serving as a straightforward vehicle for the introduction of serveral fundamental concepts like, abstract syntax tree, evaluation and runtime errors.
BNF-like Definition
Terms of this language are defined as below:
t ::=
i继续阅读 »