2016-07-26 ruki
Introduction This is a very simple and lightweight x86 virtual machine which can load and run the assembly code from ida pro directly. Features Supports cross-platform and it's able to run the x86 assembly code on linux, windows, maxosx, android and ios ... Supports the frequently-used x86 assembly instruction (.e.g 继续阅读 »
2019-09-21 geekspeng
什么是VIP? VIP即Virtual IP Address,是实现HA(高可用)系统的一种方案,高可用的目的是通过技术手段避免因为系统出现故障而导致停止对外服务,一般实现方式是部署备用服务器,在主服务器出现故障时接管业务。 VIP用于向客户端提供一个固定的“虚拟”访问地址,以避免后端服务器发生切换时对客户端的影响。 继续阅读 »
2015-02-15 KasperDeng
go build compile the package named by the import paths and thier dependencies go build package/*.go if build *.go, a virtual package command-line-arguments is created internally $WORK/command-line-arguments/_obj/: stores the obj files 继续阅读 »
2017-03-06 Klaus Ma
Creat second disk for k8s In Vagrantfile, add the following customized command to create disk for k8s source code. The vagrant/virtual box will create a disk with only 10Gi by default, which is not enough for k8s's build & test. 继续阅读 »
2017-03-02 Jason Liao
Virtual Reality 在过去的一年里越来越火,越来越多的 VR 设备不断浮出,像三星的 Gear VR,HTC 的 VIVE,还有 Oculus Rift 等等,在商场里我们也可以看到有很多很成熟的体验项目。作为前端开发者的我们,是不是也想自己创建场景,戴上最低成本的 VR 设备,来感受一下 VR 的魅力呢 ;) 继续阅读 »