2017-08-16 ruki
This release fixed some bugs and improve some compilation problem. If you want to known more usage, please see online documents。 Source code: Github, Gitee. Changes Improve add_files to configure the compile option of the given files Inherit links and linkdirs from the dependent targets and options Improve target.a 继续阅读 »
2014-09-22 Kun Ren
Twelve days after the initial commit, pipeR tutorial is released! If you want to write R code fluently and process data elegantly, I strongly recommend that you read this tutorial which is designed to serve as a complete guide to pipeR package, including how it works with dplyr, rlist, and rvest with vivid examples. 继续阅读 »
2020-11-24 ruki
xmake is a lightweight cross-platform build tool based on Lua. It uses xmake.lua to maintain project builds. Compared with makefile/CMakeLists.txt, the configuration syntax is more Concise and intuitive, very friendly to novices, can get started quickly in a short time, allowing users to focus more on the actual projec 继续阅读 »
2020-11-19 ruki
LTUI is a lua-based cross-platform character terminal UI interface library. This framework is derived from the requirement of graphical menu configuration in xmake, similar to the menuconf of linux kernel to configure compilation parameters, so based on curses and lua, a complete set of cross- The character terminal u 继续阅读 »
2016-10-30 ruki
New features Add some interpreter builtin-modules Support ml64 assembler for windows x64 Changes Improve ipairs and pairs interfaces and support filter Add filters for generating vs201x project Remove core/tools (msys toolchains) and uses xmake to compile core sources on windows Remove xmake/packages for templates Bu 继续阅读 »
2016-08-29 ruki
New features Add wait multi-processes interface Add uuid generator Add hash library module Add __tb_deprecated__ keyword and option Changes Move some utils interfaces to the hash module Rewrite random generator Bugs fixed Fix stdout compatibility issue for vs2015 Fix process arguments length limit 继续阅读 »
2016-10-30 ruki
New features Support make command and compile directly without xmake Add switch context interfaces into platform module Add coroutine module (supports i386, x86_64, arm, arm64 ..) Add simple http server demo using coroutine Add simple spider using coroutine Add io poller interfaces(with epoll, poll, kqueue, select) Su 继续阅读 »
2020-10-17 ruki
xmake is a lightweight cross-platform build tool based on Lua. It uses xmake.lua to maintain project builds. Compared with makefile/CMakeLists.txt, the configuration syntax is more Concise and intuitive, very friendly to novices, can get started quickly in a short time, allowing users to focus more on the actual projec 继续阅读 »
2016-12-07 ruki
Stackless introduction Stackfull introduction More coroutine examples New features Support coroutine context switch for mips Add __tb_thread_local__ keyword macro Add --micro=y|n option to compiling micro library (~64K) for the embed system Add tb_addrinfo_addr and tb_addrinfo_name interfaces Add stackless coroutine A 继续阅读 »
2017-08-30 ruki
New features Add ping demo for network Changes Modify license to Apache License 2.0 Rename --smallest=y|n option to --small=y|n Support stat64 Improve copy speed and fix permissions for tb_file_copy Improve path operation for posix platform Improve socket interfaces and support icmp Improve xmake.lua and remove binar 继续阅读 »