I have a class that needs to obtain a reference to it's application's AssetManager. This class does not extend any sort of android UI class, so it doesn't have a getContext() method, or anything similar. Is there some sort of static Context.getCurrentApplicationContext() type of method?
To clarify: my class is inte继续阅读 »
function 里的 this 在不同的时候,会有不同的表现,一般会有以下四种情况
Invocation as a function
Invocation as a method
Invocation as a constructor
Invocatuon with the apply() and call() method继续阅读 »
public interface Sourceable {
public void method();
public class Source implements Sourceable {
public void method() {
System.out.println("the original 继续阅读 »
论文《Extended Supervised Descent Method for Robust Face Alignment》对SDM方法做了扩展,使程序更鲁棒。
Adaptive Feature Block
在初始的SDM方法中,我们使用fixed-size blocks去提取SIFT特征进而预测shape。但实际上,从直观上来看,the feature extraction block size与the value of shape increment有很大关系。当shape increment比较大时,我们应该提取较大块的SIFT特征,这样就可以获取更多有用继续阅读 »