2020-10-17 ruki
xmake is a lightweight cross-platform build tool based on Lua. It uses xmake.lua to maintain project builds. Compared with makefile/CMakeLists.txt, the configuration syntax is more Concise and intuitive, very friendly to novices, can get started quickly in a short time, allowing users to focus more on the actual projec 继续阅读 »
2017-08-05 ruki
This release introduces a number of new feature updates, as detailed in Some new features of xmake v2.1.5. If you want to known more usage, please see online documents。 Source code: Github, Gitee. New features #83: Add add_csnippet and add_cxxsnippet into option for detecting some compiler features. #83: Add user e 继续阅读 »
2017-07-29 ruki
find_package This interface refers to the design of CMake for the find_* interfaces, which finds and adds package dependencies in the project target. lua target("test") set_kind("binary") add_files("*.c") on_load(function (target) import("lib.detect.find_package") target:add(find_package(" 继续阅读 »
2016-04-29 zzyhappyzzy
是否采用ARC 某个文件采用ARC,可以在Build Phases中的Compile Sources中找到该类,双击修改Compiler Flags为-fobjc-arc。 某个文件采用MRC,可以在Build Phases中的Compile Sources中找到该类,双击修改Compiler Flags为-fno-objc-arc。 全局宏定义 一个workspace/project如果包含多个target或者scheme,可以在BuildSetting->Preprocessing->Preprocessor Macros中定义自己的宏来区别对待多target喝scheme等 第三方库路径配置 有时第三方库(一般是.a 继续阅读 »
2017-10-19 Catsugar
这是一个不靠谱的学习笔记。想到啥写啥 安装 compiler ``` bash install compiler npm install -g typescript ``` 装的时候被拒绝访问了,用管理员方式运行就好了。 继续阅读 »
2015-07-28 Alex Sun
参考资料: Creating Custom Directives HTML Compiler $compile angularjs1.3.0源码解析之directive 继续阅读 »