2016-06-26 ruki
Typically, you only need to execute the following command for compiling project. bash xmake xmake will probe your host environment and target platform automaticly. The default mode is release and xmake will compile all targets. You can compile only one given target which name is 'test' for executing the follo 继续阅读 »
2016-11-29 Jamling
Android兼容库从24.2.0开始,对support-v4做了分库处理,原有的support-v4库拆分成为了support-compat、support-core-ui、support-fragment等库,本着稳定的原则,一直到25.0.0才开始在项目中升级support-v4库,将原有的support-v4替换为support-core-ui(其实,项目中只用到了ViewPager,SwipeRefreshLayout而已)以减少apk体积。然而问题来了,编译时出错,提示存在重复的类库。为保证support库版本一致,我还统一定义并使用了各模块的support版本变量,使用gradle dependencies查看依赖的时 继续阅读 »
2014-10-21 码农明明桑
上次说过使用主题,应用Material Design的样式,同时卡片布局也是Material Design的重要组成部分,今天来写写。 引言 在程序中创建复杂的Material Design 样式的 List和Card,可以使用RecyclerView和CardView组件,这两个组件是在最新的support v7包(version 21)中提供的。因此需要引入依赖包: java dependencies { compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:+' compile 'com.android.support:cardview-v7:+' compile ' 继续阅读 »
2016-04-29 zzyhappyzzy
是否采用ARC 某个文件采用ARC,可以在Build Phases中的Compile Sources中找到该类,双击修改Compiler Flags为-fobjc-arc。 某个文件采用MRC,可以在Build Phases中的Compile Sources中找到该类,双击修改Compiler Flags为-fno-objc-arc。 全局宏定义 一个workspace/project如果包含多个target或者scheme,可以在BuildSetting->Preprocessing->Preprocessor Macros中定义自己的宏来区别对待多target喝scheme等 第三方库路径配置 有时第三方库(一般是.a 继续阅读 »
2016-07-25 ruki
xmake can run and debug the given target program now. We only need configure the debug mode to compile this target and run it. e.g. ```lua -- enable debug symbols if is_mode("debug") set_symbols("debug") end -- define target target("demo") set_kind("kind") add_files("src/*.c") ``` And we compile and r 继续阅读 »
2016-06-26 ruki
You can use xmake to run the given target and need not know where is the target program. e.g. We define a simple target with named 'test'. lua target("test") set_kind("console") add_files("*.c") So, we can run it directly. bash $xmake r test or $xmake run test xmake will compile it 继续阅读 »
2016-07-19 ruki
xmake will automatically detect the system environment and create the most appropriate configuration to compile project when building a program Usually we only need to run: bash $ xmake And it will not re-generate configuration if the project description has not changed. But we can also modify configuration manual 继续阅读 »
2015-07-21 林长宇
在iOS 6中,以前工作正常的访问通讯录的iPhone程序可能会出错,现象是程序启动时不提醒用户是否允许程序访问通讯录,同时在“设置->隐私->通讯录”中看不到你的程序。另外,对通讯录进行操作的代码会报类似于以下消息的错误: Could not compile statement for query (ABCCopyArrayOfAllInstancesOfClassInSourceMatchingProperties): SELECT ROWID, Name, ExternalIdentifier, Type, ConstraintsPath, ExternalModificationTag, ExternalSyncTag 继续阅读 »
2017-03-23 ruki
Links Homepage Documents New features Add aur package script and support to install xmake from yaourt Add set_basename api for target Changes Support vs2017 Support compile rust for android Improve vs201x project plugin and support multi-modes compilation. Bugs fixed Fix cannot find android sdk header files Fix che 继续阅读 »
2015-07-28 Alex Sun
参考资料: Creating Custom Directives HTML Compiler $compile angularjs1.3.0源码解析之directive 继续阅读 »