2017-04-11 Borg
微博爬虫 + 社交网络图可视化 项目地址:WeiboSocialNetwork 先展示下结果再来解释代码: 首先有个R语言生成的 html 继续阅读 »
2016-09-12 Borg
自学python的大四狗发现校招招python的屈指可数,全是C++、Java、PHP,但看了下社招岗位还是有的。于是为了更加确定有多少可能找到工作,就用python写了个爬虫爬取招聘信息,数据处理,最后用R语言进行可视化呈现。项目地址:Github Repo 求关注。 继续阅读 »
2014-01-24 Kun Ren
R rocks in both academia and industry nowadays. A rapidly increasing number of researchers choose R to be one of their productive tools for data analysis and data visualization. It is partially because the software is totally free and open-source but also because the community behind the stage who contributes to nearly 继续阅读 »