原文:Improve cross-domain communication with client-side solutions
越来越多的网站需要相互协作。例如,一个在线房屋租赁网站需要谷歌地图的支持,以显示某个出租屋的位置。为了满足这种需求,出现了各种各样的聚合应用(mashup)。聚合应用是一种将来自不同供应商的数据或组件整合在一起,使其更有价值或更加可定制化的 Web 应用。聚合应用或协作能力,被认为是 Web 2.0 的一个重要组成部分
但是,要将异步 AJAX 和聚合应用结合在一起并不是那么容易,继续阅读 »
LTUI is a lua-based cross-platform character terminal UI interface library.
This framework is derived from the requirement of graphical menu configuration in xmake, similar to the menuconf of linux kernel to configure compilation parameters, so based on curses and lua, a complete set of cross- The character terminal u继续阅读 »
LTUI is a lua-based cross-platform character terminal UI interface library.
This framework is derived from the requirement of graphical menu configuration in xmake, similar to the menuconf of linux kernel to configure compilation parameters, so based on curses and lua, a complete set of cross- The character terminal u继续阅读 »