xmake provides some api, which can detect whether exist some library functions.
-- checks some libc functions from the header files: wchar.h and stdlib.h
add_cfuncs("libc", nil, {"wchar.h", "stdlib.h"}, "wcscat",
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配置好相关参数后保存为 C:\Windows\System32\surf.bat ,重启命令行即可使用 surf 命令通断网络,常用的话甚至只要 win+r->enter就可以自由迅速地上线下线啦。把下面第二十行的注释去掉可以在联网同时打开ss,有些缺憾的是还没有实现断网时退出ss。
流程控制参考了Batch Guide by Terry Newton 。
REM 校园网使用PPPoE拨号上网,将文件内容存为 C:\Windows\System32\surf.bat ,可以命令行拨号上网
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1. 论文
V1: Going Deeper with Convolutions
V2: Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift
V3: Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision
V4: Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning继续阅读 »