2017-04-02 ruki
Links Homepage Documents This version provide safer xmake install and xmake uninstall. New features #65: Add set_default api for target to modify default build and install behavior Allows to run xmake command in project subdirectories, it will find the project root directory automatically Add add_rpathdirs for tar 继续阅读 »
2015-08-09 Klaus Ma
What Is Google C++ Mocking Framework? When you write a prototype or test, often it's not feasible or wise to rely on real objects entirely. A mock object implements the same interface as a real object (so it can be used as one), but lets you specify at run time how it will be used and what it should do (which methods 继续阅读 »
2016-08-24 Klaus Ma
When looking at container orchestration platforms, open-source communities have produced a number of viable options including Kubernetes, Marathon-Mesos, or Docker Swarm. Kubernetes stands out as a popular choice amongst many users looking to run cloud-native on-line workloads. It has built-in support for a number of u 继续阅读 »
2017-10-17 ruki
xmake-vscode plugin is a xmake integration in Visual Studio Code. It is deeply integrated with xmake and vscode to provide a convenient and fast cross-platform c/c++ development and building. Features Colorization Completion Lists StatusBar Commands Configuration Build Run and Debug Record and Playback Problem Color 继续阅读 »
2015-09-28 veryyoung
定时任务是非常常见的需求,比如定期的去汇总数据,定期的清除垃圾等。 Java 提供了很多定时任务的方案,下面简单的列举一下。 more 利用 thread 的sleep 新开一个线程,死循环运行,通过 sleep 的达到定时运行的效果。 public static void main(String[] args) { final long timeInterval = 1000; Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { while (true) { 继续阅读 »
2015-06-21 Eric Wang
Spring简介 Spring框架由Rod Johnson开发,Rod Johnson's twitter,Rod Johnson's 百度百科,2004年发布了Spring框架的第一版。Spring是一个从实际开发中抽取出来的框架,因此它完成了大量开发中的通用步骤,留给开发者的仅仅是与特定应用相关的部分,从而大大提高了企业应用的开发效率。 Spring总结起来优点如下 * 低侵入式设计,代码的污染极低 * 独立于各种应用服务器,基于Spring框架的应用,可以真正实现Write Once,Run Anywhere的承诺 * Spring的IoC容器降低了业务对象替换的复杂性,提高了组件之间的解耦 * Spring的AOP支持允 继续阅读 »
2013-01-03 Klaus Ma
Selenium a powerful suite of tools for web testing, but it’s dependent on browser (Firefox, IE, Chrome); and those browser need a displayer. As a console/command geek, it’s intolerable. After several days investigation, I’d like to introduce PyVirtualDisplay to run Selenium in a console with Python. 继续阅读 »
2015-07-24 veryyoung
把WordPress迁移到Jekyll 早就无法忍受WordPress蜗牛般的反应速度了,抽时间狠狠心给它迁移到Gitpages了,骄傲的使用了Jekyll。可以使用github管理文章,免费无流量限制,最重要的是可以用Markdown哦! 下面说一下迁移步骤 1.导出WordPress文章 本来想使用jekyll-exporter,但是部署到SAE,run,报错 Warning: dir(saestor://wordpress/uploads) [function.dir]: failed to open dir: "SaeStorageWrapper::dir_opendir" call failed in wp-con 继续阅读 »
2019-01-29 blademainer
重写docker镜像内的EntryPoint ```shell docker run --entrypoint "/bin/ls -al /root" debian ``` 继续阅读 »
2018-09-10 Vaniot
在docker中安装jenkins 拉取jenkins image shell docker pull jenkins Jenkins没有数据库,所有数据都是存放在文件中的,首先在本地创建Jenkins数据目录,用于保存Jenkins的数据 这个目录需要定期的备份,用于容灾(当前Jenkins容器所在节点由于不可抗因素无法使用时,可以在新机器上使用备份的数据启动新的jenkins master节点)。 shell sudo mkdir /var/jenkins sudo chown 1000:1000 /var/jenkins sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /var 继续阅读 »