2014-09-22 Golmic
下列代码全部基于python3.4 more ``` python import urllib.parse,urllib.request,http.cookiejar,os,xlrd,xlwt3,time,random print ("######## 确保关闭了所有的EXCEL,运行时不要打开任何EXCEL文件 ########") rfile = xlrd.open_workbook('read.xls') rfile.sheet_names() rsheet = rfile.sheet_by_name(u'Sheet1') resultfilenum = 0 result = str(resultfilenum) 继续阅读 »
2015-12-13 MoreFreeze
I have trained my algorithm on leetcode a period of time. Today, I will explain my solution about Minimum Height Trees. My solution beat ~95% against others but it is hard to explain what is I do. Please allow me to introduce the solution from easy to hard. If you only need the last solution, jump to 继续阅读 »
2015-10-31 Lingxian Kong
这篇文章写于2015.10.31号,因为种种原因,当时没有发表。现在我已经身在惠灵顿,想把我当时的想法分享出来,给自己留个念想的同时,也期望跟来到这里的朋友进行一次思想上的交流。 有了offer,接下来就是准备签证材料了,这个过程相当痛苦。 首先我不知道我该申请哪种类别的签证,在认真研读了新西兰移民局官网的每个跟签证相关的网页之后,又经过向朋友咨询,各种Google,在各种新西兰移民论坛查询和虚心求教,心里总算是有了一些谱。 我手里有full time、permanent offer,并且工作技能在ANZSCO(Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occu 继续阅读 »
2016-01-15 Golmic
MAC下.zshrc文件备份 more ``` python Path to your oh-my-zsh installation. export ZSH=/Users/lujianqiang/.oh-my-zsh Set name of the theme to load. Look in ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/ Optionally, if you set this to "random", it'll load a random theme each time that oh-my-zsh is loaded. ZSH_THEME="tjkirch" Uncomment the follo 继续阅读 »
2020-11-24 ruki
xmake is a lightweight cross-platform build tool based on Lua. It uses xmake.lua to maintain project builds. Compared with makefile/CMakeLists.txt, the configuration syntax is more Concise and intuitive, very friendly to novices, can get started quickly in a short time, allowing users to focus more on the actual projec 继续阅读 »
2015-03-21 浩阳
content {:toc} My girlfriend is learning html and css recently. I told her to follow the video. Here, I recommend a video in Chinese that suite for fresh learners. The name of course is Getting HTML web pages dev in 8 hours ( 8小时学会HTML网页开发 ) . I watched this video at very first time. The teacher named Eighteen Swallows 继续阅读 »
2020-10-17 ruki
xmake is a lightweight cross-platform build tool based on Lua. It uses xmake.lua to maintain project builds. Compared with makefile/CMakeLists.txt, the configuration syntax is more Concise and intuitive, very friendly to novices, can get started quickly in a short time, allowing users to focus more on the actual projec 继续阅读 »
2018-01-29 Jamling
使用PHP写的一个万年历接口 说明 支持的年份为1900-2100(农历),支持公历和公历互转。接口基地址:http://api.ieclipse.cn/wnl/ 主要功能列表 公历转农历 农历转公历 支持公历和农历节日 支持干支纪年、纪月、纪日、纪时 支持农历闰月 示例json yaml { "code":0, //响应码,为0时表示接口正常响应 "msg":"ok", "time":1517217808, "data":{ "isToday":false, "sYear":"2018", //公历年 "sMonth":"03", //公历月 继续阅读 »
2016-08-17 craneyuan
具体操作 在eclipse中,打开Window->Preference->Java->Code Style->Code Template 然后展开Comments节点就是所有需设置注释的元素,参照下面注释规范对应设置即可 注释规范 文件(Files)注释标签 ```java /** * FileName: ${file_name} * @Description: ${todo} * @author: crane-yuan * @version V1.0 * Createdate: ${date} ${time} * Copyright: 继续阅读 »