Selenium a powerful suite of tools for web testing, but it’s dependent on browser (Firefox, IE, Chrome); and those browser need a displayer. As a console/command geek, it’s intolerable. After several days investigation, I’d like to introduce PyVirtualDisplay to run Selenium in a console with Python.继续阅读 »
Xmake provide a builtin-plugin for generating VisualStudio project file (vs2002 - 2015) now.
We need enter the project directory first and run the following command if we want to generate vs2013 project.
$ xmake project -k vs2013
It will generate a directory(vs2013) in the current project and the direct继续阅读 »
1. Pythonic Thinking
1.1 know which version of python you're using
two major python version;
multiple popular runtimes for python: cpython, jython, ironpython, pypy, etc;
be sure that the command line for running python on your system is the version you want;
prefer python 3 in your next project;继续阅读 »
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Plugin Development
XMake supports the plugin module and we can develop ourself plugin module conveniently.
We can run command xmake -h to look over some builtin plugins of xm继续阅读 »
In pipeR 0.4 version, one of the new features is Pipe() function. The function basically creates a Pipe object that allows command chaining with $, and thus makes it easier to perform operations in pipeline without any external operator.继续阅读 »