Vim-tabbar: Simple, stupid and fast tab-bar for VIM

2015-02-11 张炎泼 更多博文 » 博客 » GitHub »

vim tab plugin


Simple, stupid and fast tab-bar for VIM.


Names of opened buffer are shortened and shows on the top row of window.

Tab button uses one of these three highlight for different states:

  • TabLineFill: inactive buffer(grey text on cyan background).
  • TabLine: in one of the windows but not focused(white text on dark cyan background).
  • TabLineSel: currently focused buffer(black text on white background).


Installing with pathogen.vim is recommended. Copy and paste:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://

Or just copy all of the files in to ~/.vim.

Customizing Colors

Three high light settings in color scheme file(~/.vim/colors/**.vim) are used by this plugin:

hi TabLineFill cterm=none ctermfg=grey  ctermbg=cyan
hi TabLine     cterm=none ctermfg=white ctermbg=cyan
hi TabLineSel  cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=white

Check out on github: vim-tabbar.