《OpenGL ES 应用开发实践指南》读书笔记 No.9
原文链接 http://www.rogerblog.cn/2016/07/26/OpenGL-serise-No9/
Android OpenGL ES 第九章 - 增加触控反馈,与空气曲棍球游戏交互
上一章我们学习了如何使用三角形构建物体,这一章我们将学习如何为项目添加触控的功能。这一章的项目名为 AirHockeyTouch 。
为 Activity 增加触控支持
首先我们需要保存渲染器的一个引用,因此打开 AirHockeyActivity ,并按如下代码修改 setRenderer() :
final AirHockeyRenderer airHockeyRenderer = new AirHockeyRenderer(this);
if (supportsEs2) {
// ...
下一步就可以开始写触控逻辑了,在调用 setContentView() 之前加入如下代码:
glSurfaceView.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
if (event != null) {
// Convert touch coordinates into normalized device
// coordinates, keeping in mind that Android's Y
// coordinates are inverted.
final float normalizedX =
(event.getX() / (float) v.getWidth()) * 2 - 1;
final float normalizedY =
-((event.getY() / (float) v.getHeight()) * 2 - 1);
if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
glSurfaceView.queueEvent(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
normalizedX, normalizedY);
} else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
glSurfaceView.queueEvent(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
normalizedX, normalizedY);
return true;
} else {
return false;
我们在着色器中需要使用归一化设备坐标,因此我们需要把触控时间坐标转换回归一化设备坐标,这需要把 y 轴反转,并把每个坐标按比例映射到范围 [-1,1] 内。下一步分情况处理按下状态和拖拽状态,由于 Android 的 UI 运行在主线程,而 OpenGL 的 GLSurfaceView 运行在一个单独的线程中 ,因此我们需要使用线程安全的技术在两个线程间通信。 我们使用 queueEvent() 给 OpenGL 线程分发调用。
- 首先,我们要把二维屏幕坐标转换到三维坐标中,并看看我们触碰到了什么。要做到这点,我们要把被触碰的点投射到一条射线上,这条射线从我们的视点跨越的那个三维场景。
- 然后,我们需要检查看看这条射线是否与木槌相交。为了使事情简单一些,我们假定那个木槌实际上时一个差不多同样大小的包围球,然后测试那个球。
让我们先创建两个新的成员变量,在 AirHockeyRenderer 中:
private boolean malletPressed = false;
private Point blueMalletPosition;
它需要被初始化为一个默认值,因此给 onSurfaceCreated() 添加如下代码:
blueMalletPosition = new Point(0f, mallet.height / 2f, 0.4f);
接下来更新 handleTGouchPress() :
public void handleTouchPress(float normalizedX, float normalizedY) {
Ray ray = convertNormalized2DPointToRay(normalizedX, normalizedY);
// Now test if this ray intersects with the mallet by creating a
// bounding sphere that wraps the mallet.
Sphere malletBoundingSphere = new Sphere(new Point(
mallet.height / 2f);
// If the ray intersects (if the user touched a part of the screen that
// intersects the mallet's bounding sphere), then set malletPressed =
// true.
malletPressed = Geometry.intersects(malletBoundingSphere, ray);
我们当前有被触碰点的 x 和 y 坐标,但我们还不知道它应该在多远或多近的地方。要解决这个模糊性,我们把被触碰的点映射到三维空间的一条直线:直线的近端映射到我们在投影矩阵中定义的视锥体的近平面,直线的远端映射到视锥体的远平面。要实现这个转换,我们需要一个反转矩阵:
在 AirHockeyRenderer 中:
private final float[] invertedViewProjectionMatrix = new float[16];
在 onDrawFrame() 里,在调用 multiplyMM() 之后加入如下一行代码:
invertM(invertedViewProjectionMatrix, 0, viewProjectionMatrix, 0);
这个调用会创建一个反转的矩阵,我们可以用它把那个二维被触碰的点转换为两个三维坐标。现在我们来看看 convertNormalized2DPointToRay() 这个方法:
private Ray convertNormalized2DPointToRay(
float normalizedX, float normalizedY) {
// We'll convert these normalized device coordinates into world-space
// coordinates. We'll pick a point on the near and far planes, and draw a
// line between them. To do this transform, we need to first multiply by
// the inverse matrix, and then we need to undo the perspective divide.
final float[] nearPointNdc = {normalizedX, normalizedY, -1, 1};
final float[] farPointNdc = {normalizedX, normalizedY, 1, 1};
final float[] nearPointWorld = new float[4];
final float[] farPointWorld = new float[4];
nearPointWorld, 0, invertedViewProjectionMatrix, 0, nearPointNdc, 0);
farPointWorld, 0, invertedViewProjectionMatrix, 0, farPointNdc, 0);
// Why are we dividing by W? We multiplied our vector by an inverse
// matrix, so the W value that we end up is actually the *inverse* of
// what the projection matrix would create. By dividing all 3 components
// by W, we effectively undo the hardware perspective divide.
// We don't care about the W value anymore, because our points are now
// in world coordinates.
Point nearPointRay =
new Point(nearPointWorld[0], nearPointWorld[1], nearPointWorld[2]);
Point farPointRay =
new Point(farPointWorld[0], farPointWorld[1], farPointWorld[2]);
return new Ray(nearPointRay,
Geometry.vectorBetween(nearPointRay, farPointRay));
为了把被触碰的点映射到一条直线,我们在归一化设备坐标里设置了两个点:其中一个点是 z 值为 -1 的点,另一个点是 z 值为 1 的点。分别存储在 nearPoingNdc 和 farPointNdc 。 因为我们不知道 w 分量应该被设为多大,暂且把它们的 w 分量设为 1 。 接下来,我们把每个点都与 invertedViewProjectionMatrix 相乘,得到世界空间中的坐标。我们也需要撤销透视除法的影响。反转的视图投影矩阵有一个有趣的属性:把顶点和反转的视图投影矩阵相乘后, nearPoitWorld 和 farPointWorld 实际上就含有了反转的 w 值。这是因为,通常情况下,投影矩阵的主要意义就是创建不同的 w 值,以便透视除法可以施加它的魔法,因此,如果我们使用一个反转的投影矩阵,我们就会得到一个反转的 w 。所以我们需要做的就是把 x , y , z 除以这些反转的 w, 这样就撤销了透视除法的影响。在代码中体现就是 divideByW 这个方法:
private void divideByW(float[] vector) {
vector[0] /= vector[3];
vector[1] /= vector[3];
vector[2] /= vector[3];
Point nearPointRay =
new Point(nearPointWorld[0], nearPointWorld[1], nearPointWorld[2]);
Point farPointRay =
new Point(farPointWorld[0], farPointWorld[1], farPointWorld[2]);
return new Ray(nearPointRay,
Geometry.vectorBetween(nearPointRay, farPointRay));
我们还需要添加几个其中用到的方法,在 Geometry 中,加入如下方法:
public static class Ray {
public final Point point;
public final Vector vector;
public Ray(Point point, Vector vector) {
this.point = point;
this.vector = vector;
public static class Vector {
public final float x, y, z;
public Vector(float x, float y, float z) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
public static Vector vectorBetween(Point from, Point to) {
return new Vector(
to.x - from.x,
to.y - from.y,
to.z - from.z);
Sphere malletBoundingSphere = new Sphere(new Point(
mallet.height / 2f);
需要在 Geometry 中加入如下代码:
public static class Sphere {
public final Point center;
public final float radius;
public Sphere(Point center, float radius) {
this.center = center;
this.radius = radius;
malletPressed = Geometry.intersects(malletBoundingSphere, ray);
跟进这个方法,来到 Geometry 类中:
public static boolean intersects(Sphere sphere, Ray ray) {
return distanceBetween(sphere.center, ray) < sphere.radius;
public static float distanceBetween(Point point, Ray ray) {
Vector p1ToPoint = vectorBetween(ray.point, point);
Vector p2ToPoint = vectorBetween(ray.point.translate(ray.vector), point);
// The length of the cross product gives the area of an imaginary
// parallelogram having the two vectors as sides. A parallelogram can be
// thought of as consisting of two triangles, so this is the same as
// twice the area of the triangle defined by the two vectors.
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_product#Geometric_meaning
float areaOfTriangleTimesTwo = p1ToPoint.crossProduct(p2ToPoint).length();
float lengthOfBase = ray.vector.length();
// The area of a triangle is also equal to (base * height) / 2. In
// other words, the height is equal to (area * 2) / base. The height
// of this triangle is the distance from the point to the ray.
float distanceFromPointToRay = areaOfTriangleTimesTwo / lengthOfBase;
return distanceFromPointToRay;
这个方法使用一个三角形来计算射线和球体的距离,然后和球体的半径对比即可检测二者是否相交。让我们完善 Geometry 类,添加以下几个方法:
public Point translate(Vector vector) {
return new Point(
x + vector.x,
y + vector.y,
z + vector.z);
//在 *Vector* 类中加入如下两个方法
public float length() {
return FloatMath.sqrt(
x * x
+ y * y
+ z * z);
public Vector crossProduct(Vector other) {
return new Vector(
(y * other.z) - (z * other.y),
(z * other.x) - (x * other.z),
(x * other.y) - (y * other.x));
让我们完成 handleTouchDrag() 的定义:
public void handleTouchDrag(float normalizedX, float normalizedY) {
if (malletPressed) {
Ray ray = convertNormalized2DPointToRay(normalizedX, normalizedY);
// Define a plane representing our air hockey table.
Plane plane = new Plane(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Vector(0, 1, 0));
// Find out where the touched point intersects the plane
// representing our table. We'll move the mallet along this plane.
Point touchedPoint = Geometry.intersectionPoint(ray, plane);
// Clamp to bounds
previousBlueMalletPosition = blueMalletPosition;
blueMalletPosition =
new Point(touchedPoint.x, mallet.height / 2f, touchedPoint.z);
// Clamp to bounds
blueMalletPosition = new Point(
leftBound + mallet.radius,
rightBound - mallet.radius),
mallet.height / 2f,
0f + mallet.radius,
nearBound - mallet.radius));
// Now test if mallet has struck the puck.
float distance =
Geometry.vectorBetween(blueMalletPosition, puckPosition).length();
if (distance < (puck.radius + mallet.radius)) {
// The mallet has struck the puck. Now send the puck flying
// based on the mallet velocity.
puckVector = Geometry.vectorBetween(
previousBlueMalletPosition, blueMalletPosition);
在判断木槌被按下之后,我们就做射线转换,它与我们在 handlerTouchPress() 中的转换是一样的。一旦我们有了表示被触碰点的射线,我们就要找出这条射线与表示空气曲棍球桌子的平面在哪里相交了,然后,把木槌移动到那个点。完善 Geomitry 中 Plane 的定义:
public static class Plane {
public final Point point;
public final Vector normal;
public Plane(Point point, Vector normal) {
this.point = point;
this.normal = normal;
public static Point intersectionPoint(Ray ray, Plane plane) {
Vector rayToPlaneVector = vectorBetween(ray.point, plane.point);
float scaleFactor = rayToPlaneVector.dotProduct(plane.normal)
/ ray.vector.dotProduct(plane.normal);
Point intersectionPoint = ray.point.translate(ray.vector.scale(scaleFactor));
return intersectionPoint;
给 Vector 类加入如下代码来填充余下的空白:
public float dotProduct(Vector other) {
return x * other.x
+ y * other.y
+ z * other.z;
public Vector scale(float f) {
return new Vector(
x * f,
y * f,
z * f);
最后,让我们更新 onDrawFrame() ,并把第二个 positionObjectInScene() 调用更新为如下代码:
positionObjectInScene(blueMalletPosition.x, blueMalletPosition.y,
接下来我们增加一下碰撞检测,以便让木槌待在它应该在的地方。首先在 AirHockeyRenderer 加入如下定义:
private final float leftBound = -0.5f;
private final float rightBound = 0.5f;
private final float farBound = -0.8f;
private final float nearBound = 0.8f;
更新 handleTouchDrag() 并用下面的代码替换 blueMalletPosition 的值:
blueMalletPosition =
new Point(touchedPoint.x, mallet.height / 2f, touchedPoint.z);
再为 clamp() 加入定义:
private float clamp(float value, float min, float max) {
return Math.min(max, Math.max(value, min));
下一步我们添加一些代码来击打冰球了,在 AirHockeyRenderer 中加入几个新的成员变量:
private Point previousBlueMalletPosition;
private Point puckPosition;
private Vector puckVector;
在 handleTouchDrag() 中加入如下代码:
previousBlueMalletPosition = blueMalletPosition;
在 onSurfaceCreated() 中加入:
puckPosition = new Point(0f, puck.height / 2f, 0f);
puckVector = new Vector(0f, 0f, 0f);
现在我们可以在 handleTouchDrag() 结尾处加入如下的碰撞检测代码:
float distance =
Geometry.vectorBetween(blueMalletPosition, puckPosition).length();
if (distance < (puck.radius + mallet.radius)) {
// The mallet has struck the puck. Now send the puck flying
// based on the mallet velocity.
puckVector = Geometry.vectorBetween(
previousBlueMalletPosition, blueMalletPosition);
我们需要更新 onDrawFrame() ,在开始处加入:
puckPosition = puckPosition.translate(puckVector);
最后一步,绘制冰球前,我们需要更新 positionObjectInScene() :
positionObjectInScene(puckPosition.x, puckPosition.y, puckPosition.z);
接下来我们为冰球加入边界反射,在 onDrawFrame() 中,我们可以在 puckPosition.translate() 调用之后加入如下代码:
if (puckPosition.x < leftBound + puck.radius
|| puckPosition.x > rightBound - puck.radius) {
puckVector = new Vector(-puckVector.x, puckVector.y, puckVector.z);
puckVector = puckVector.scale(0.9f);
if (puckPosition.z < farBound + puck.radius
|| puckPosition.z > nearBound - puck.radius) {
puckVector = new Vector(puckVector.x, puckVector.y, -puckVector.z);
puckVector = puckVector.scale(0.9f);
puckPosition = new Point(
clamp(puckPosition.x, leftBound + puck.radius, rightBound - puck.radius),
clamp(puckPosition.z, farBound + puck.radius, nearBound - puck.radius)
现在,冰球就能在桌子内来回弹了。下一步我们增加摩擦,在 onDrawFrame() 中,冰球相关的代码结尾处加入如下代码:
puckVector = puckVector.scale(0.99f);
puckVector = puckVector.scale(0.9f);
现在,我们已经完成了这个游戏,或许现在它看起来还是有些简陋,但是在构造的过程中我们学习了许多 OpenGL 最基本的知识:
- 首先我们搞清楚了着色器是如何工作的
- 学习通过颜色、矩阵和纹理来构建事物
- 我们学习了如何构建简单的物体
- 完善游戏细节,加入碰撞检测和阻尼等功能
至此,我们已经完成了这本书大部分的内容,后边部分为粒子系统、天空盒、地形、灯光和 Android 的动态壁纸,有兴趣的同学可以购买本书进行学习。
希望通过这 9 片博文,能让大家初步了解 OpenGL 。如果有问题或疑问,请留言。 Thanks : ) 。