2017-01-18 ruki
2016-11-07 Lingxian Kong
In 'Project'->'Compute'->'Overview' pannel of Horizon, a common user can see some OpenStack resources usage information in 'Limit Summary' table in pie chart. By default, that includes 'Instances', 'VCPUs', 'RAM', 'Floating IPs', 'Security Groups', 'Volumes' and 'Volume Storage'. Horizon will get usage of those resourc 继续阅读 »
2017-01-18 JustWe
AppCode 中添加了直接对CocoaPods的关联: 但是直接关联 Ruby SDK 和 CocoaPods 的时候会发现提示错误: ruby Usage of the constant `Pod::SourcesManager` is deprecated, use `Pod::Config.instance.sources_manager` instead (called from /Applications/AppCode.app/Contents/bin/cocoapods_common.rb:4:in `init_master_repo') Usage of the co 继续阅读 »
2016-06-09 ruki
我们继续以之前讲解的hello插件为基础,现在为其增加参数配置选项,并且指定一个独立的脚本文件中进行开发,这样我们就可以写一些更复杂的插件 ```lua -- 定义一个名叫hello的插件任务 task("hello") -- 设置类型为插件 set_category("plugin") -- 插件运行的入口,这里指定main,说明从当前插件目录的main.lua脚本中加载插件入口 on_run("main") -- 设置插件的命令行选项,这里没有任何参数选项,仅仅显示插件描述 set_menu({ -- usage 继续阅读 »
2015-06-07 Jason Liao
Installation npm install express Usage ```javascript var express = require('express'); var app = express(); 继续阅读 »
2016-06-09 ruki
xmake 提供了一些内置的比较实用的插件,其中宏脚本插件是最具有代表性和实用性的,也是xmake比较推荐的一款插件,那它有哪些使用功能呢? 我们先来看下:xmake macro --help ``` Usage: xmake macro|m [options] [name] [arguments] 继续阅读 »
2017-08-05 ruki
This release introduces a number of new feature updates, as detailed in Some new features of xmake v2.1.5. If you want to known more usage, please see online documents。 Source code: Github, Gitee. New features #83: Add add_csnippet and add_cxxsnippet into option for detecting some compiler features. #83: Add user e 继续阅读 »
2017-08-16 ruki
This release fixed some bugs and improve some compilation problem. If you want to known more usage, please see online documents。 Source code: Github, Gitee. Changes Improve add_files to configure the compile option of the given files Inherit links and linkdirs from the dependent targets and options Improve target.a 继续阅读 »
2017-10-13 ruki
This release fix some bugs and improve some details. And provide xmake-vscode plugins to integrate vscode editor and xmake. If you want to known more usage, please see online documents。 Source code: Github, Gitee. New features Add add_imports to bulk import modules for the target, option and package script Add xmak 继续阅读 »
2015-06-03 Eric Wang
 导出所有的数据库  mysqldump -uuserName -ppassword --all-database > D:/all.sql 需要注意的是,该命令需要在MySql的安装目录的bin目录下使用,例如在bin下输入mysqldump,会给出提示信息 bash C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin > mysqldump Usage: mysqldump [OPTIONS] database [tables] OR     mysqldump [OPTIONS] --databases [OPTIONS] DB1 [DB2 DB3...] OR     mysqldum 继续阅读 »