2016-07-24 Klaus Ma
在微服务的实践过程中,我们经常会问自己:什么样的应用应该做成微服务?将应用做成微服务时有什么需要注意的?本文针对在Kuberenetes中部署YARN集群遇到的问题,讨论微服务化需要做的工作以及什么样的应用是微服务友好的。 启动 YARN/HDFS 集群 继续阅读 »
2016-04-03 Klaus Ma
Kubernetes是一个Docker集群管理工具,主要包含资源管理,部署运行,服务发现,扩容缩容等功能,帮助用户把所有的应用都部署在Docker Container里边,Kubernetes可以看成是一个mini的PaaS平台,主要用来帮助用户管理Docker Container。 继续阅读 »
2016-04-03 Klaus Ma
在Container Cloud环境中,跨机器的容器互连一直是讨论的热点;Kubernetes的官方网站也提供了几种备选方案,如 L2网络, Flannel, OpenVSwitch等。本文主要描述Flannel在Kubernetes网络中的应用。 继续阅读 »
2016-03-22 Klaus Ma
Background Resources can be reserved by frameworks in a variety of ways, including: Static reservations Dynamic reservations via Offer::Operations Dynamic reservations via HTTP endpoints Quotas (None-Goal) 继续阅读 »
2016-01-18 Klaus Ma
Prepare: apt-get install -y bridge-utils // Remove Docker bridge iptables -t nat -F ifconfig docker0 down brctl delbr docker0 继续阅读 »
2016-01-07 Klaus Ma
Introduction The purpose of this document is to give an introduction and overall description of the contribution process for contributors new to Mesos. This document is intended to extend the existing documentation with a focus on on-boarding contributors to the community as quickly as possible. 继续阅读 »
2015-12-28 Klaus Ma
Resource Monitoring Design Doc Multiple Disk Support Design Doc Oversubscription Design Doc HTTP API Design Doc Pluggable Containerizer Architecture Task Resizing Design Doc Maintenance Primitives Design Doc Container terminated with non-terminal tasks Dynamic Reservation Desgin Doc Docker Containerizer Update Task/Exe 继续阅读 »
2015-12-16 Klaus Ma
Description: The target of this JIRA is to offer the allocation slack resources to the framework. Here're the key points of this design: 继续阅读 »
2015-12-15 Klaus Ma
| Full Name | Company/Organization | Email Address | |:-----------------------|:----------------------------|:---------------------------| |Ross Allen | | ssorallen@apache.org | |Kapil Arya | Mesosphere | kapil@apach 继续阅读 »
2015-12-14 Klaus Ma
Volumes in Docker The following command mounts volumes from host with uid/gid: docker run -i -t -v $HOME/test:/opt/test -u=10:10 ubuntu 继续阅读 »