2013-06-02 Klaus Ma
For the performance tuning, the simplest way is to record how many time is elapsed in a function. The only difficulty we’re facing is that: there maybe many exit for a function. Thanks to C++’s constructor/deconstructor feature, it’s easy for developer to record the elsaped time. 继续阅读 »
2017-11-07 ruki
xmake-idea plugin is a xmake integration in Intellij-IDEA. It is deeply integrated with xmake and Intellij-IDEA to provide a convenient and fast cross-platform c/c++ development and building. And It also support other Intellij-based platform, like Clion, Android Studio and etc. You need install xmake first and a pro 继续阅读 »
2014-05-12 Lingxian Kong
之前一篇博客介绍了华为发布的针对Icehouse版本的all in one安装镜像,因为OpenStack安装后还需要进行一系列的初始配置(大家的环境和需求各异,因此没有直接集成在自动化中)。对于小白用户来说,可能还不能满足需求,今天我就一步一步教大家入门。 准备和注册镜像、Keypair 拷贝所需的镜像到服务器的任意目录(比如/home/images),我这里有3个镜像 UVP:/home/images # ll total 683292 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 476704768 Mar 24 20:33 F17-x86_64-cfntools.qcow2 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 继续阅读 »
2014-06-26 Kun Ren
In recent years, non-relational data have attracted more and more attentions. Roughly speaking, all datasets that are hard to put into a rectangular table with rows and columns are non-relational datasets. 继续阅读 »
2017-10-17 ruki
xmake-vscode plugin is a xmake integration in Visual Studio Code. It is deeply integrated with xmake and vscode to provide a convenient and fast cross-platform c/c++ development and building. Features Colorization Completion Lists StatusBar Commands Configuration Build Run and Debug Record and Playback Problem Color 继续阅读 »
2015-12-06 Jason Liao
总结了几篇文章,先给外链 A Look at Length Units in CSS CSS Font-Sizing: a Definitive Guide 从网易与淘宝的font-size思考前端设计稿与工作流 继续阅读 »
2015-02-08 KasperDeng
== Java == What The constant pool contains the constants associated with the class or interface defined by the file. Constants are stored in the constant pool. literal strings final variable values fully qualified names of classes and interfaces field names and descriptors method names and descriptors Symbolic refer 继续阅读 »
2015-01-15 KasperDeng
Data structure stores a sequence of items in a list |List | Java | Python | Go | |:------------|:---------------------------------|:----------|:--------------------| |type | List, Arraylist, LinkedList | list | List | |package | im 继续阅读 »
2015-11-20 Klaus Ma
Named namespaces in Google Code Style Namespaces wrap the entire source file after includes, gflags definitions/declarations and forward declarations of classes from other namespaces. 继续阅读 »
2015-12-14 Klaus Ma
Volumes in Docker The following command mounts volumes from host with uid/gid: docker run -i -t -v $HOME/test:/opt/test -u=10:10 ubuntu 继续阅读 »