2017-05-30 Lu Huang
This blog is reprinted from colah's blog and some changes are added by myself. About RNN Humans don’t start their thinking from scratch every second. And traditional neural networks have a major shortcoming, and they cannot learn from the previous information. Recurrent neural networks (RNN) address this issue. RNN 继续阅读 »
2016-08-30 craneyuan
goto语句一直被人所诟病,说它使得代码结构复杂化,但是语言设计者们还是没有放弃goto这个功能强大的语句。Java以面向对象所著称也没能够放弃goto,而是把它当做保留字,但是并未在语言中得到正式使用。 然而,从Java的break和continue这两个关键字的身上,我们依然能够看出一些goto的影子。 下面是《Thinking In Java 4th》中关于“goto”的介绍: 臭名昭著的“goto” goto 关键字很早就在程序设计语言中出现。事实上,goto 是汇编语言的程序控制结构的始祖:“若条件A,则跳到这里;否则跳到那里”。若阅读由几乎所有编译器生成的汇编代码,就会发现程序控制里包含了许多 跳转。然而,got 继续阅读 »
2015-12-30 litaotao
1. Pythonic Thinking 1.1 know which version of python you're using two major python version; multiple popular runtimes for python: cpython, jython, ironpython, pypy, etc; be sure that the command line for running python on your system is the version you want; prefer python 3 in your next project; 继续阅读 »