Type determination
java interface query:
interfaceDemo instanceof InterfaceDemo
subClassInstance instanceof ParentClass
golang interface query:
value, ok := element.(T) element is interface var, T is base type
switch value := element.(type)继续阅读 »
== Java ==
The constant pool contains the constants associated with the class or interface defined by the file.
Constants are stored in the constant pool.
literal strings
final variable values
fully qualified names of classes and interfaces
field names and descriptors
method names and descriptors
Symbolic refer继续阅读 »
Download go
official & Getting Started
Go Complier:
offcial: gc
GNU GC: gccgo
Go supports 3 instruction sets
amd64 (a.k.a. x86-64); 6g,6l(Plan9 gc),6c,6a // support x84-64, naming as amd64
is to amd's contribution of inventing 64bit instruction set
386 (a.k.a. x86 or x86-32); 8g,8l,8c(Plan9 gc)继续阅读 »