2014-01-24 Kun Ren
R rocks in both academia and industry nowadays. A rapidly increasing number of researchers choose R to be one of their productive tools for data analysis and data visualization. It is partially because the software is totally free and open-source but also because the community behind the stage who contributes to nearly 继续阅读 »
2013-01-03 Klaus Ma
Selenium a powerful suite of tools for web testing, but it’s dependent on browser (Firefox, IE, Chrome); and those browser need a displayer. As a console/command geek, it’s intolerable. After several days investigation, I’d like to introduce PyVirtualDisplay to run Selenium in a console with Python. 继续阅读 »
2014-10-16 Lingxian Kong
Common Juno版本马上就要发布了,但很多在Juno版本未合入的feature该怎么办呢?社区有人针对Neutron提议,保留这些未合入的specs,方便在Kilo中其他人能继续未完成的工作。虽然遭到了Neutron PTL Kyle的反对,但得到了其他人的赞成。最终结果如何未知,等待社区有个一致的结论。 OpenStack automation with cloud deployment tools. http://opensource.com/business/14/9/openstack-deployment-tools 2014.9.23,OpenStack Havana 2013.2.4 released。 继续阅读 »
2016-10-30 ruki
新特性 为解释器作用域增加一些内建模块支持 针对windows x64平台,支持ml64汇编器 改进 增强ipairs和pairs接口,支持过滤器模式,简化脚本代码 为vs201x工程生成增加文件filter 移除core/tools目录以及msys工具链,在windows上使用xmake自编译core源码进行安装,优化xmake源码磁盘空间 移除xmake/packages,默认模板安装不再内置二进制packages,暂时需要手动放置,以后再做成自动包依赖下载编译 Bugs修复 修复msvc的编译选项不支持问题:-def:xxx.def 修复ml.exe汇编器脚本 修复选项链接顺序问题 继续阅读 »
2016-05-14 Jamling
简介 使用ADB连接手机进行调试,开发、文件传输 使用adb文件传输优点:无需卸载或挂载SD卡 more 官方指南 请访问http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html配置你的设备,也可以下载驱动 继续阅读 »
2016-10-30 ruki
New features Add some interpreter builtin-modules Support ml64 assembler for windows x64 Changes Improve ipairs and pairs interfaces and support filter Add filters for generating vs201x project Remove core/tools (msys toolchains) and uses xmake to compile core sources on windows Remove xmake/packages for templates Bu 继续阅读 »
2016-03-29 AnnatarHe
随着文章越写越多,页数也随之增加,可是想找到一篇文章的难度有了很大的提升。 本篇介绍我自己做的搜索功能,通过js实现。 你也可以打开dev tools查看本页面的js代码。source map已开。 搜索框 首先添加搜索框,我的实现是在navbar添加一个搜索链接,点击会滑出搜索页面,设计功力有限,页面特别丑 T_T 继续阅读 »
2017-04-27 Lingxian Kong
原文链接:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/state-cloud-2017-part-i-a-rathinasabapathy In Cloud Computing technology, we have seen the emergence, convergence and divergence of various technical concepts and tools since its inception. The cycle for emergence, convergence and divergence has really shortened as the technology i 继续阅读 »