2017-02-27 Borg
Security authentication access control/authorization encryption network setup auditting authentication 用户信息存储在dbname.system.users, 当dbname为admin时为全局设置,当使用数据库级别设置(即dbname不等于admin时)可以在不同的数据库使用相同的用户名而不产生冲突。 继续阅读 »
2016-01-15 Golmic
把个人博客启用了https。 more 我们假设如下: 域名,也称为 Common Name,因为特殊的证书不一定是域名:example.com 组织或公司名字(Organization):Example, Inc. 部门(Department):可以不填写,这里我们写 Web Security 城市(City):Beijing 省份(State / Province):Beijing 国家(Country):CN 加密强度:2048 位,如果你的机器性能强劲,也可以选择 4096 位 按照以上信息,使用 OpenSSL 生成 key 和 csr 的命令如下 python openssl req -new -new 继续阅读 »
2014-11-18 veryyoung
MySQL密码忘记了,各种google,终于重置了,在这里记录下。 1.停止MySQL service mysqld stop 2.修改/etc/my.cnf 在mysqld下加入skip-grant-tables 修改后如下 [mysqld] datadir=/var/lib/mysql socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock user=mysql skip-grant-tables # Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks symbolic-links=0 defaul 继续阅读 »
2016-11-07 Lingxian Kong
In 'Project'->'Compute'->'Overview' pannel of Horizon, a common user can see some OpenStack resources usage information in 'Limit Summary' table in pie chart. By default, that includes 'Instances', 'VCPUs', 'RAM', 'Floating IPs', 'Security Groups', 'Volumes' and 'Volume Storage'. Horizon will get usage of those resourc 继续阅读 »
2018-07-16 Lingxian Kong
For those who don't know, Barbican is an OpenStack service which provides a REST API designed for the secure storage, provisioning and management of secrets such as passwords, encryption keys and X.509 certificates. Barbican can be used together with other OpenStack services to provide security features, e.g. Octavia u 继续阅读 »