2015-11-29 Alex Sun
4. map/filter/reject 在async中,each系列的方法一共有12个: each/forEach eachOf/forEachOf eachLimit/forEachLimit eachOfLimit/forEachOfLimit eachSeries/forEachSeries eachOfSeries/forEachOfSeries 继续阅读 »
2018-11-18 Xie Jingyi
Category Theory A category has three components: A collection of objects. A collection of morphisms, each of which map one object to another. A notion of composition of these morphisms, i.e. morphisms can be composed. If f: A -> B and g: B -> C are morphisms, f.g generates a new morphism A -> C. Note that a morphism 继续阅读 »
2014-10-31 litaotao
写在前面   lists官方文档在此http://erlang.org/doc/man/lists.html,不知因为什么原因,官方文档中函数顺序和lists.erl源码里的顺序完全不一样。我是按照源码里的顺序来写的,目的是为了熟悉一下Erlang的编程风格和巩固基础语法。也不会所有函数都提到,挑下面一些来学习学习。 1. 属性说明 2. keyfind/3 3. suffix/2 4. seq/2, seq/3 5. sort/1 6. merge/1 7. concat/1 8. flatten/1, flatten/2 10. filter/2, map/2, filt 继续阅读 »