2015-03-16 Mithrilwoodrat
参考 The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide , linux kernel hacking lessons 继续阅读 »
2014-09-22 Kun Ren
Twelve days after the initial commit, pipeR tutorial is released! If you want to write R code fluently and process data elegantly, I strongly recommend that you read this tutorial which is designed to serve as a complete guide to pipeR package, including how it works with dplyr, rlist, and rvest with vivid examples. 继续阅读 »
2016-11-30 Alex Sun
更多资料可参考: A Complete Guide to Flexbox Using CSS Flexible Boxes 继续阅读 »
2016-03-04 Jamling
Overview This article in an advanced guide to [hexo] your blog, you need to prepare the following knowledges: Front-end: You must has certain knowledge of Web tech such as javascript, css, html and node.js template. Layout: The [hexo] layout is the view of site, it's usually using a template to render. Variables: The 继续阅读 »
2016-07-01 Lim Geng
导语 从大学到现在我有多个平台的博客:新浪, CSDN, 简书。博客对于我来说还是生活必备的,主要有两方面的作用:1、记录技术点;2、技术探讨。 当然对于其他人博客还可以记录生活的点点滴滴,写日记等,其实博客就是电子笔记本,纸上可以写的都可以写到博客里;但是博客是公开的,是让博主有分享精神, 分享你的知识,分享你的快乐与忧伤。 第三方的博客很方便,但是有自己的博客不是更酷。个人博客与第三方博客的最大不同就是个人博客有更大的灵活性,随意设置样式,更换主题; 可以把自己的简历写到博客里,省去了打印的烦恼,方便更新,更方便其他人(比如面试官)查看。 选择 host gator 刚开始是看到The Ultimate Guide T 继续阅读 »