Hyper: Volumes's Security in Docker

2015-12-14 Klaus Ma 更多博文 » 博客 » GitHub »

原文链接 http://www.k8s.tips/tech/2015/12/14/volumes_security_docker/

Volumes in Docker

The following command mounts volumes from host with uid/gid:

docker run -i -t -v $HOME/test:/opt/test -u=10:10 ubuntu

-u=10:10 set uid/euid/gid/egid in docker to 10, it overwrites USER configuration in Dockerfile. If using -u=10, the gid/egid will be 0. When using distributed file system (POSIX), e.g. NFS, it also follows this practice.

Test cases & result

Case 1: Create file on NFS and mount to Docker

  • Step 1: mount NFS to $HOME/test within current user (33421/10007)
  • Step 2: create file on NFS (touch $HOME/test/a.txt); the uid/gid is 33421/10007
  • Step 3: start Docker in interactive mode (-v $HOME/test:/opt/test) with different -u=xx:
    1. without -u=xx, the uid/euid/gid/egid is 0; can access/modify the file
    2. -u=33421:10007, the uid/euid/gid/egid is 0; can access/modify the file
    3. -u=10:10, the uid/euid/gid/egid is 10; can NOT modify the file

Case 2: Create file in Docker on NFS volumes

  • Step 1: mount NFS to $HOME/test within current user (33421/10007)
  • Step 2: start Docker in interactive mode: -u=10:10 (-v $HOME/test:/opt/test)
  • Step 3: create file on /opt/test (touch $HOME/test/b.txt)
  • Step 4: start another Docker in interactive mode (-v $HOME/test:/opt/test) with different -u=xx:
    1. without -u=xx, the uid/euid/gid/egid is 0; can access/modify the file
    2. -u=10:10, the uid/euid/gid/egid is 0; can access/modify the file
    3. -u=20:20, the uid/euid/gid/egid is 10; can NOT modify the file


The source code to show uid/euid/gid/egid of current user:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

int main(void)
  printf(" UID\t= %d\n", getuid());
  printf(" EUID\t= %d\n", geteuid());
  printf(" GID\t= %d\n", getgid());
  printf(" EGID\t= %d\n", getegid());

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The output of program:

UID   = 10007
EUID  = 10007
GID   = 0
EGID  = 0

stat is also used to show file's properties, e.g.

$stat $HOME/test/crose_docker/b.txt 
  File: '/home/klaus/test/crose_docker/b.txt'
  Size: 40         Blocks: 0          IO Block: 8192   regular file
Device: 38h/56d  Inode: 5652807     Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: (   10/    uucp)   Gid: (   10/    uucp)
Access: 2015-12-14 03:07:52.519384000 -0500
Modify: 2015-12-14 03:08:32.582386000 -0500
Change: 2015-12-14 03:08:32.583380000 -0500
 Birth: -