Haskell 笔记:data, type, newtype

2018-11-16 Xie Jingyi 更多博文 » 博客 » GitHub »


原文链接 https://hsfzxjy.github.io/2018-11-16-haskell-data-type-newtype/

新类型有自己的 data constructor (literals 可以看成特殊的 data constructor),由这一点来区分是否创建了新类型。

  • data 创建了新类型,可以有多个 data constructor。
  • newtype 创建了新类型,只能有一个 data constructor,同时新类型的内存布局与原来的类型相同。
  • type 没有创建新类型,只是建立了 alias,没有新的 data constructor。



type ID = Int

a = 1 :: ID
b = a + 2 -- legal

showID :: ID -> IO ()
showID x = print x -- legal, since Int has already been an instance of class Show

-- illegal, since Int has already been instantiated
instance Show ID where
    -- ...



newtype ID' = ID' Int

a = ID' 1
b = a + 2 -- illegal, since Int and ID' are totally different types

showID' :: ID' -> IO ()
showID' x = print x -- illegal, since ID' is not an instance of Show

-- either
showID' (ID' x) = print x
-- or
instance Show ID' where
    show (ID' x) = show x