
2016-08-04 ruki 更多博文 » 博客 » GitHub »

tbox hash 算法

原文链接 https://waruqi.github.io/2016/08/04/hash-library.cn/

最近稍微整理了下tbox的utils模块,发现里面有很多都是一些,之前放置的hash算法,例如:md5, sha1, crc32, adler32啊什么,比较凌乱。



bkdr, fnv, fnv-1a, aphash, rshash, djb2, murmur, sdbm, blizzard ...

其中 bkdr 的效果比较好,因此目前作为tbox里面主要的string哈希来用,其他的hash虽然实现了很多,但是大部分tbox都没怎么去用。。


此外,这次整理抽取了散落在tbox代码各处的hash代码后,如果配置xmake f --smallest=y最小化编译,库会更小些。

因为现在新增了一个 xmake f --hash=[y|n] 的配置选项,来禁用和启用hash模块,smallest模式下,会禁用它,也就是不会去编译这些hash代码,如果用不到的话。。

我还新增了一个benchmark的测试demo,可以测试各个hash的执行性能,因为目前只有adler32, crc32是稍微优化过的,其他的暂时没怎么去优化,所以测试结果仅作参考。


$ xmake r demo hash_benchmark


    [demo]: [hash(1K)]: fnv32   : cae7edac 1431 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1K)]: fnv32-1a: 42041cc2 1419 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1K)]: rs      : 449e09d7 1614 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1K)]: ap      : 743c6a7d 2181 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1K)]: djb2    : c5fdc8ca 1450 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1K)]: sdbm    : 3a7175d1 1462 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1K)]: adler32 : 95feffd4 105 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1K)]: crc32   : a846383f 2658 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1K)]: crc32-le: 69de964b 2658 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1K)]: bkdr    : 01466ac5 1513 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1K)]: murmur  : cf826c7d 2463 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1K)]: blizzard: 3a7175d1 1638 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1M)]: fnv32   : 240670f1 1520 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1M)]: fnv32-1a: 49f2b159 1517 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1M)]: rs      : db1cd2ca 1510 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1M)]: ap      : 9ee66044 2167 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1M)]: djb2    : 683d1cd5 1525 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1M)]: sdbm    : 6cf0e47c 1538 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1M)]: adler32 : 93b3e9c2 102 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1M)]: crc32   : 42175630 2725 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1M)]: crc32-le: def09f36 2788 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1M)]: bkdr    : 2d447f50 1614 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1M)]: murmur  : 4d041d9c 2365 ms
    [demo]: [hash(1M)]: blizzard: 6cf0e47c 1580 ms



/*! make crc32 (IEEE)
 * @param data      the input data
 * @param size      the input size
 * @param seed      uses this seed if be non-zero
 * @return          the crc value
tb_uint32_t         tb_crc32_make(tb_byte_t const* data, tb_size_t size, tb_uint32_t seed);

/*! make crc32 (IEEE) for cstr
 * @param cstr      the input cstr
 * @param seed      uses this seed if be non-zero
 * @return          the crc value
tb_uint32_t         tb_crc32_make_from_cstr(tb_char_t const* cstr, tb_uint32_t seed);



tb_trace_i("[crc32]: %x", tb_crc32_make_from_cstr("hello tbox", 0));


/*! make an uuid
 * @param uuid      the uuid output buffer
 * @param name      we only generate it using a simple hashing function for speed if name is supplied 
 * @return          tb_true or tb_false
tb_bool_t           tb_uuid_make(tb_byte_t uuid[16], tb_char_t const* name);

/*! make an uuid string
 * @param uuid_cstr the uuid output c-string
 * @param name      we only generate it using a simple hashing function for speed if name is supplied 
 * @return          the uuid c-string or tb_null
tb_char_t const*    tb_uuid_make_cstr(tb_char_t uuid_cstr[37], tb_char_t const* name);

对于windows,内部直接调用的 CocCreateGuid 接口来生成,其他平台上,目前仅仅只是通过随机数来生成了个唯一的id而已

但是并不符合 RFC 4122 4.3 的规范,即需要满足如下要求:

  • The UUIDs generated at different times from the same name in the same namespace MUST be equal.
  • The UUIDs generated from two different names in the same namespace should be different (with very high probability).
  • The UUIDs generated from the same name in two different namespaces should be different with (very high probability).
  • If two UUIDs that were generated from names are equal, then they were generated from the same name in the same namespace (with very high probability).




tb_char_t uuid[37];
tb_trace_i("[uuid]: %s", tb_uuid_make_cstr(uuid, tb_null));


[demo]: [uuid]: 37DD735D-27FE-EC7D-520F-4189312D10E2


这样效率会更快些,例如(通过指定唯一的key: hello tbox来生成):

tb_char_t uuid[37];
tb_trace_i("[uuid]: %s", tb_uuid_make_cstr(uuid, "hello tbox"));



tb_size_t tb_bkdr_make(tb_byte_t const* data, tb_size_t size, tb_size_t seed)
    // check
    tb_assert_and_check_return_val(data && size, 0);

    // init value
    tb_size_t value = 0;  
    if (seed) value = value * 131313 + seed;

    // generate it
    while (size--) value = (value * 131313) + (*data++);  
    return value;
