Using LSTM to Generate a Story

2017-05-31 Lu Huang 更多博文 » 博客 » GitHub »



之前简单介绍过 LSTM,网址,本文将利用 LSTM 构建一个故事生成的模型。



我们使用的数据是 Aesop’s Fables 里的一部分内容,如下:

long ago , the mice had a general council to consider what measures they could take to outwit their common enemy , the cat . some said this , and some said that but at last a young mouse got up and said he had a proposal to make , which he thought would meet the case . you will all agree , said he , that our chief danger consists in the sly and treacherous manner in which the enemy approaches us . now , if we could receive some signal of her approach , we could easily escape from her . i venture , therefore , to propose that a small bell be procured , and attached by a ribbon round the neck of the cat . by this means we should always know when she was about , and could easily retire while she was in the neighbourhood . this proposal met with general applause , until an old mouse got up and said that is all very well , but who is to bell the cat ? the mice looked at one another and nobody spoke . then the old mouse said it is easy to propose impossible remedies .


我们将改段文字保存在 story.txt 中,使用下面的代码读取,代码中有注释,不再解释。

## 读取训练数据
fname = './story.txt'
with open(fname) as f:                                # 读取所有行
    words = f.readlines()
words = [x.strip() for x in words]                    # 删除前导和后缀字符
words = [words[i].split() for i in range(len(words))] # 将句子分割成词, 以空格、TAB、回车等为分隔符
words = np.array(words)                               # 转成向量表示
words = np.reshape(words, [-1, ])


## 建立“词典”,实现词到数字的转换
def build_dict(words):
    cnt = collections.Counter(words).most_common() # 计算每个词出现的次数并排序
    dictionary = dict()
    for word, _ in cnt:
        dictionary[word] = len(dictionary)         # 字典的key是词,value是依次增加的序号。
    dictionary_reverse = dict(zip(dictionary.values(), dictionary.keys()))
    return dictionary, dictionary_reverse
## 构建训练数据的字典
dictionary, dictionary_reverse = build_dict(words)
num_words = len(dictionary)



## Tensorflow日志与流图输入
log_dir = '/tmp/tf_log'
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir)
x = tf.placeholder('float', [None, n_input, 1])
y = tf.placeholder('float', [None, num_words])

weights = {
    'out': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden, num_words]))
biases = {
    'out': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([num_words]))

定义 RNN

def RNN(x, weights, biases):
    x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, n_input])
    x = tf.split(x, n_input, 1)
    rnn_cell = rnn.MultiRNNCell([rnn.BasicLSTMCell(n_hidden),rnn.BasicLSTMCell(n_hidden)])
    outputs, states = rnn.static_rnn(rnn_cell, x, dtype=tf.float32)
    return tf.matmul(outputs[-1], weights['out']) + biases['out']

RNN 前向计算和优化

# RNN前向计算
pred = RNN(x, weights, biases)

# 定义loss(交叉熵)和优化器
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, labels=y))
optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=lr).minimize(cost)

# 定义正确率
acc_pred = tf.equal(tf.argmax(pred,1), tf.argmax(y,1))
acc_rate = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(acc_pred, tf.float32))

# 初始化变量
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

LSTM 训练与测试

## LSTM训练的相关参数
lr = 0.001
train_iters = 50000
display_step = 1000
n_input = 3
n_hidden = 512
# 启动流图
with tf.Session() as session:
    # 定义初始的参数
    step = 0
    offset = random.randint(0, n_input+1)
    end_offset = n_input + 1
    acc_total = 0
    loss_total = 0

    # 循环迭代
    while step < train_iters:
        if offset > (len(words) - end_offset):
            offset = random.randint(0, n_input+1)
        # 获取输入的三个单词对应的数字
        symbols_in_keys = [ [dictionary[str(words[i])]] for i in range(offset, offset+n_input) ]
        symbols_in_keys = np.reshape(np.array(symbols_in_keys), [-1, n_input, 1])
        # 获取输出对应的单词数字,同时将LSTM概率输出对应的位置置为1
        symbols_out_onehot = np.zeros([num_words], dtype=float)
        symbols_out_onehot[dictionary[str(words[offset+n_input])]] = 1.0
        symbols_out_onehot = np.reshape(symbols_out_onehot,[1,-1])
        # 神经网络前向计算与反向回传
        _ , acc, loss, onehot_pred =[optimizer, acc_rate, cost, pred], feed_dict={x: symbols_in_keys, y: symbols_out_onehot})
        # loss 和 acc 累加
        loss_total += loss
        acc_total += acc
        # 每隔 display_step 打印一次 loss 和 acc
        if (step+1) % display_step == 0:
            print("Iter= " + str(step+1) + ", Average Loss= " + \
                  "{:.6f}".format(loss_total/display_step) + ", Average Accuracy= " + \
            # 打印当前输入与预测输出,预测输出是概率最大的那一个
            symbols_in = [words[i] for i in range(offset, offset+n_input)]
            symbols_out = words[offset+n_input]
            symbols_out_pred = dictionary_reverse[int(tf.argmax(onehot_pred, 1).eval())]
            print("%s - [%s] vs [%s]" % (symbols_in,symbols_out,symbols_out_pred))
            # 将 loss 重新置为 0
            acc_total = 0
            loss_total = 0
        step += 1
        offset += (n_input+1)

    # 测试给定输入求出的32个输出
    while True:
        # 获取输入并处理,和之前读文件类似
        prompt = "%s words: " % n_input
        sentence = input(prompt)
        sentence = sentence.strip()
        sentence = sentence.split()
        sentence = np.array(sentence)
        sentence = np.reshape(sentence, [-1, ])
        if len(sentence) != n_input:
            symbols_in_keys = [dictionary[str(sentence[i])] for i in range(len(sentence))]
            for i in range(32):
                keys = np.reshape(np.array(symbols_in_keys), [-1, n_input, 1])
                # 进行一次前向计算,求出预测
                onehot_pred =, feed_dict={x: keys})
                onehot_pred_index = int(tf.argmax(onehot_pred, 1).eval())
                sentence = "%s %s" % (sentence,dictionary_reverse[onehot_pred_index])
                # 将预测结果加到末尾,重新循环预测
                symbols_in_keys = symbols_in_keys[1:]
            print("Word not in dictionary")
