How to set the config.yml file
The config.yml file in the Freshman21 theme includes five parts.
First part is the site info. <!--more-->
{% highlight YAML %} title: Freshman21 # blog title tagline: Another Jekyll theme, Freshman twenty-first # blog sub-titile author: Lijia YU # author name email: # author email description: "Freshman21 is a Jekyll blog theme." # You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta and in your feed.xml site description keywords: "Jekyll, theme, Freshman21" # html meta keywords baseurl: "/freshman21" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site {% endhighlight %}
Part 2, Personal info and site tools info, twitter, github, aboutme and aboutme_photo only appears on the sidebar aboutme-box, you can Hide in two ways [1]:
{% highlight YAML %}
twitter_username: #your twitter handle
github_username: #your github account
disqus_shortname: #disqus shortname
favicon: "images/favicon.ico"
aboutme: Hi, this is Lijia Yu. I made the Freshman21 theme. Please enjoy it. # these are shown on aboutme-box(sidebar).
aboutme_photo: # your personal photo.
{% endhighlight %}
Part3, Site setting:
{% highlight YAML %} ShowContactInfo: "True" # Personal Info (twitter,github,email) can be seen on aboutme-sidebar, those info only shown where ShowContactInfo == True default_column: "two" # blog style: two columns, if default_column != "two", you will see a one column blog. default_locale: "en" # blog sidebar language set, only include: English(en) and Chinese (cn) {% endhighlight %}
Part4, Blogroll info, only name tags can shown on the page.
{% highlight YAML %} Blogroll: - name: Freshman href: title: Another Jekyll blog theme - name: author's website href: title: Lijia Yu's website {% endhighlight %}
Part5, Build settings
{% highlight YAML %} markdown: kramdown highlighter: pygments # highlight paginate: 5 # how many post can seen in the main page {% endhighlight %}
[1], you can set those info at Part3 or just delete the aboutme.html at sidebar.html in _include folder.
{% highlight HTML %}
<!--{ % include Aboutme.html % }-->
{ % include Copyright_Notice.html % }
{ % include Recent_Posts.html % }
{ % include Categories.html % }
{ % include Tags.html % }
{ % include Blogroll.html % }
{ % include Archives.html % }
{% endhighlight %}