Hexo your blog
原文链接 https://jamling.github.io/2016/03/04/Web-Hexo-your-blog/
This article in an advanced guide to hexo your blog, you need to prepare the following knowledges:
- Front-end: You must has certain knowledge of Web tech such as javascript, css, html and node.js template.
- Layout: The hexo layout is the
of site, it's usually using a template to render. - Variables: The hexo variables, such as site.posts, config, page.
- Helpers: The hexo helpers are used in templates to help you insert snippets quickly.
<!-- more -->
{% asset_img Hexo.png %}
If you has been prepared, I think it's no difficulty for you to make your blog a little change to others.
Index snippets:
<div class="article-list">
{%- for post in page.posts %}
<!-- output blog to html article tag -->
<article class="article post" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Article">
<!-- article header: output title and date -->
<header class="article-header">
<a href="{{ url_for_lang(post.path) }}" class="article-title" itemprop="name">{{ post.title }}</a>
<a href="{{ url_for_lang(post.path) }}" class="article-date">{{ time_tag(post.date) }}</a>
<!-- output body: blog excerpt content -->
<section class="article-content" itemprop="articleBody">
{% if post.excerpt %}
{{ post.excerpt }}
{% endif %}
<footer class="post-item-footer">
<!-- output blog categories and tags -->
{{ post_cates(post) }}
{{ post_tags(post) }}
{% endfor %}
Index output
<article class="article post" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Article">
<header class="article-header">
<a href="/2016/05/14/tech-adb-mobile/" class="article-title" itemprop="name">使用ADB连接手机</a>
<a href="/2016/05/14/tech-adb-mobile/" class="article-date"><time datetime="2016-05-14T07:34:08.000Z">2016-05-14</time></a>
<section class="article-content" itemprop="articleBody">
<h2 id="简介"><a href="#简介" class="headerlink" title="简介"></a>简介</h2><p>使用ADB连接手机进行调试,开发、文件传输</p>
<footer class="post-item-footer">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close" aria-hidden="true"></span> 分类<ol class="breadcrumb category"><li><a class="" href="/categories/软件技术/">软件技术</a></li><li><a class="" href="/categories/软件技术/奇淫巧技/">奇淫巧技</a></li></ol>
<article class="article post" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Article">
{% asset_img index_post.png %}
If you used theme published on https://hexo.io, please see the doc/guide of the theme.
But, sometimes, you want to make some change. You may edit the theme and make a little change. I think it's no difficulty for you.
However, the theme may not meet you. I had want to find one theme to set up the site for my github project once, unfortunately, I found none that help me to build site quickly. So, I decided to create my own theme. And the guide based on Nova.
The first thing is to design.
The content is divided to three modules
- Blog article It's a little different from other theme, include index, tags, categories, pagination basic function.
It's two-columns layout, the main container is the post list or post detail, the aside container is widgets or toc.
- Project page It's a sub layout of page, include project docs nagivator sidebar, project list, toc.
It's three-columns layout, the main container is page content, and the left aside is project nagivator and the right aside is toc suffix
- Other page Other fragment page, such as "About me".
It's two-columns layout like blog article.
The layout tree
{% asset_img layout.png %}
Please see nova layout for more information.
There are many plugins of hexo, it's easy to write a plugin under hexo. Just write a .js under scripts in your theme.
here is a sample (scripts/helpers.js) to write a helper plugin to return page title.
// return page title.
hexo.extend.helper.register('page_title', function(page){
var p = page ? page : this.page;
var ret = '';
if (p.title2) {
ret = this.i18n(p.title2);
else if (p.title){
ret = p.title;
return ret;
And another sample of display categories in post:
// insert category of post
hexo.extend.helper.register('post_cates', function(post, options){
var o = options || {};
var _class = o.hasOwnProperty('class') ? o.class : 'category-item';
var icon = o.hasOwnProperty('icon') ? o.icon : 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close';
var cats = post.categories;
var _self = this;
var ret = '';
if (cats == null || cats.length == 0) {
return ret;
ret += '<span class="post-category">';
ret += '<i class="' + icon + '"></i><span class="hidden-xs">' + _self.__('category.label') + '</span>';
cats.forEach(function(item, i){
ret += '<a class="' + _class + '" href="' + _self.url_for_lang(item.path) + '">' + item.name + '</a>';
ret += '</span>';
return ret;
Use in layout/post/index.swig
{{ post_cates(post) }}
Will output: 分类软件技术Web
The Nova rewrite lost of helpers of hexo to simplify the style. Please visit Helpers for more informations.
{% blockquote Docs--- https://hexo.io/docs/front-matter.html %} Front-matter is a block of YAML or JSON at the beginning of the file that is used to configure settings for your writings. Front-matter is terminated by three dashes when written in YAML or three semicolons when written in JSON. {% endblockquote %}
So you can use it to do lots of things.
See Nova Front-matter for more information.
Nova use hexo-generator-i18n to generate multi-languages site. The default languages is Chinese and root/en is Englisth site.
It's a little of failure, code highlight style not work well in Nova.
// highlight
$('pre code').each(function(i, block) {
Find all images in article and add fancybox style.
/*if (!$(this).hasClass('img-responsive')) {
if ($(this).parent().hasClass('fancybox')) return;
var alt = this.alt;
if (alt) $(this).after('<span class="funcybox-caption">' + alt + '</span>');
$(this).wrap('<a href="' + this.src + '" title="' + alt + '" class="fancybox"></a>');
$(this).attr('rel', 'article' + i);
if (!$(this).hasClass('table-bordered')) {
if ($.fancybox){
Nova has three helper to enhance the SEO.
- head_title: Generate optimized title string in <title>
- head_keywords: Add tags/categores of post into keywords
- head_description: TODO, plan to add description in Front-matter and add post excerpt to description
partial/donate.swig support donate in article, the 2d-code images is under image folder.
- donate_alipay.png: Donate via Alipay
- donate_wechat.png: Donate via Wechat
Baidu site tools
For China. login 百度站长平台, and add your site then to verify.
- File verification download baidu_xxxx_verify.html and upload to your site root dir to verify.
- HTML tag verification
<meta name="baidu-site-verification" content="xxx" />
to your home .html - CNAME verification
add a cname dns parser to zz.baidu.com
After site added, you can do
- Post links
I choose post my links automatically using following scriptjs <script> (function(){ var bp = document.createElement('script'); bp.src = '//push.zhanzhang.baidu.com/push.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(bp, s); })(); </script>
- Update robots
Update your robots.txt under your site root dir - Search in sites
Enable and add your script - Social Share
Custom your share style and add script - Analytics
Enable baidu analytics 6, Feedback Enable feedback 7, Back to top Useful function in mobile