constant pool in Java/Python/Go/Javascript
== Java ==
- The constant pool contains the constants associated with the class or interface defined by the file.
- Constants are stored in the constant pool.
- literal strings
- final variable values
- fully qualified names of classes and interfaces
- field names and descriptors
- method names and descriptors
- Symbolic references to all types, fields, and methods used by a type are stored in the constant pool
- it plays a central role in the dynamic linking of Java programs
- The constant pool is organized as a list of entries. A count of the number of entries in the list, constant_pool_count, precedes the actual list, constant_pool.
- For quick object creation. Just get one from pool if it exists, otherwise create one in the pool
- The runtime constant pool is a subset of the method area , different to heap memory for "new" object creation
- Wrapper classes of primitive (Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Character, Boolean, no Float and Double) are implemented the constant pool.
- Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Character only create constants object in pool when value (-128~127]
- IntegerCache
- default range (-128, 127]
- high can be configured when VM init by property java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high property, but MAX is Integer.MAX_VALUE
- All literal strings and string-valued constant expressions are interned.
- String.intern() // get from pool if exists or add this new String object to the pool
== python ==
- int cache range [-5, 257)
- range() vs. xrange(). xrange uses an iterator instead of generating the entire list, so uses less memory
- String poolization
- intern(string)
{% highlight python %}
a=258;print hex(id(a)) 0x6000838f8 b=258;print hex(id(b)) 0x60007bfd8 a is b False a=-6;print hex(id(a)) 0x60007c008 b=-6;print hex(id(b)) 0x6000838f8 a is b False a=37;print hex(id(a)) 0x600028c40 b=37;print hex(id(a)) 0x600028c40 a is b True
a=1001;b=1001;print hex(id(a));print hex(id(b)); a is b; 0x6000838e0 0x6000838e0 True {% endhighlight %}
== golang ==
- TBD. The memory model of golang is something differents with other programming language.