operator in Java/Python/Go/Javascript
原文链接 https://kasperdeng.github.io/OperatorInJavaPythonGoJS/
Operator | Java | Go | Python | Javascript |
++, -- | statement | not statement, expression | N/A | supported |
logical | &,|,&&,||,! | &&,||,! | and, or, not | &&,||,! |
bitwise not | ~x | ^x | ~x | ~x |
bitwise and | x & y | x & y | x & y | x & y |
bitwise or | x | y | x | y | x | y | x | y |
bitwise exclusive or | x ^ y | x ^ y | x ^ y | x ^ y |
bitwise clear (and not) | N/A | &^ | N/A | N/A |
?: (ternary op) | supported | N/A | N/A | supported |
- Java:
&, |
also have the logical function. But it differents with&&, ||
which have short circuiting function. - javascript special operator
- instanceof: Test object class
- in: Test whether property exists,
prop in objectName
- in object: test property whether in object
- ** in array**: test index (not element) whether in array ~~~ var testInArray = [7, 8, 9]; "0" in testInArray; // true 1 in testInArray; // true "7" in testInArray; // false 8 in testInArray; // false ~~~
- delete: Remove a property
- typeof: Determine type of operand
- void: return undefined value
: Shift right with zero extension- ===, !== : Test for strict equality/inequality, type and value should be tested.
- !!x: get equality of boolean of x
- go
- ++, --: only supports post increment/decrement
{% highlight java %} /*** java ***/ Int demoInt2 = demoInt1++ ++demoInt1
- x ==y, x != y // value equals or not
- x.equals(y) // same object {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight python %}
a**b == pow(a, b) (a//b, a%b) == (a//b, a%b) == divmod(a, b) x == y, x !=y # value equals or not, check eq x is y, x is not y # same object or not, check pointer x in y, x not in y abs(-5) == 5 True a = 2 ~a from struct import pack pack('b', -1) '\xff'
build-in function for sequence, dict
min(), max(), sum(), cmp() {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight go %} /*** go ***/ demoInt2 := demoInt1++ // syntax error ++demoInt1 //syntax error x := 2 x, ^x // 0010 -> 1101 -> (1101 -1) -> 1100 -> 1011 {% endhighlight %}