type system in Java/Python/Go/Javascript
原文链接 https://kasperdeng.github.io/TypeSystemInJavaPythonGoJS/
Type determination
- java interface query:
- interfaceDemo
InterfaceDemo - subClassInstance
- interfaceDemo
- python
- isinstance
- golang interface query:
- value, ok := element.(T)
element is interface var, T is base type
- switch value := element.(type)
- value, ok := element.(T)
- golang not support implicit type cast
- tuncation
- small type casts to large type is safe
- large -> small causes tuncations, only keeps the data in low address. The situation depends on what saves in low address (big-endian/little-endian)
{% highlight java %} /*** java ***/ double doubleDemo = 0.1d; int intDemo = (int) doubleDemo ; {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight python %}
bin(17), int('0b10001', 2) oct(20), int('024', 8) hex(22), int('0x16', 16)
suuport string ~ container(list, tuple, dict, set) conversion
str([0, 1, 2]), eval("[0, 1, 2]") {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight go %} /*** go ***/ var int32Demo int32 = 12345 var int64Demo int64 = int64(int32Demo)
switch value := element.(type) { case string: ... case []byte: case int: default: } {% endhighlight %}
- Java:
- null
- boolean, byte, char(2 bytes), short, int, long, float, double
- fraction literal is double by default. e.g. 3.14 is double type
- Python: everything is object
- None
- bool
- int, long, float, complex
- sequence: str, unicode, list, tuple
- dict
- set, frozenset
{% highlight python %}
map(bool, [None, 0, "", u"", list(), tuple(), dict(), set(), frozenset()]) [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False] int(True), int(False) (1, 0) {% endhighlight %}
- Go:
- nil
- bool
- int8, uint8, int16, int32, int64, int, uint, uintptr
- float32, float64
- complex64, complex128
- string
- byte(utf-8), rune(unicode), no char
- error
- compound type: array, slice, map, chan, struct, pointer, interface
{% highlight go %} demoInt := 2 if demoInt { fmt.Println("int value can be used by if") } error output: non-bool demoInt (type int) used as if condition {% endhighlight %}
- Javascript:
- primitive type
- undefined: undefined
- null: null - can be treated as a specifal value of Object
- boolean: true, false
- number: double (64bits, 8 bytes), NaN, Infinity
- string: UTF16
- object type
- Object
- wrapper: Number, Boolean, String
- Object
- primitive type
{% highlight javascript %} var n = 1, b = true, s = "test" var Num = new Number(n); var Boo = new Boolean(b); var Str = new String(s); {% endhighlight %}
- check by typeof()
- Object type (wrapper for primitive) has methods, except null and undefined